A Year in the Life – Day 101

Day 101
Prompt: The essence of you. Ten things that make up the essence of who are

Hi Nigel,

‘Hiya! Oh bloody hell’

The page is yours, mate

‘I’m doing this on my own?’

I think you should, but I’m not going anywhere


Umm, where to start. I think a vitality for life and living things is number one. It has to be. Life isn’t just a mundane thing it is one of the big adventures of existence. Yes. I think that should be top of the list. Each life is a journey and how we live and interact with living things makes up a lot of who we are – so perhaps we should tread kindly on both us and the world around us’

‘That brings me to my second one – kindness. Now I don’t mean kindness as always being nice as sometimes that is dangerous and leaves us open to abuse and hurt. Sometimes kindness has to be towards the self. You will be checking my spelling and grammar, won’t you?

Yes, Nige.

‘Thank you. And I suppose that brings me to number three. I like getting things right. I know there can be happy little accidents, and they are cool, every artist and creative knows that happens. At the same time if something is wrong it will glare at us no matter how much we try to disguise it, so then it needs to be put right’

‘Four and five go together and they are joy and pleasure. Hearing birdsong in the morning is simply one of the most joyous things there is and it makes even a tough day so much more pleasurable. Call me selfish if you will, but I don’t always want to share the little pleasures of life. Not everyone finds what I enjoy pleasurable anyway and then the sharing tends to spoil the whole thing. With the right person, all things are pleasurable, of course’

‘That brings me to number six. Love. I don’t mean the grand passions of romance, at least I don’t think I do. I mean the gentle love that resonates from within the soul and fills us with a warm feeling in those cold moments of loneliness. It doesn’t necessarily come from someone else it is just there and best of all it is there when we least expect it.’

‘I’m glad I can see you, mate, as I am getting the eye reaction that says I am not a complete fruit loop’

‘However, number seven is a little bit of insanity, a sense of the crazy that takes us out of the humdrum and makes us unique.’

‘Number eight has to be a sense of animalism. A subtle reminder to the human self that we are just another one of nature’s creatures and are no more deserving of nature’s bounty than a gnat or flea’

‘That I suppose leads to number nine and the innate desire to be part of the wild wilderness, to live in tune with nature and let things be how nature dictates.’

‘Now ten, I suppose it contradicts number nine, but I do like the feeling of self-awareness and confidence to be myself in this world. Maybe it doesn’t contradict, maybe that is what nature intends me to be’

‘Well, writer have I done it right?’

I see nothing wrong with what you have said, Nige

‘That was nerve-wracking, is writing always that tough’

Not always, you did well. See you tomorrow, Nige
