A Year in the Life – Day 110

Day 110
Prompt: 10 things you would tell your 14-year-old self

Hi Nigel,

‘Hiya! Is that really a good idea?’

What do you mean?

‘Life is a continuous learning curve so if we give into the temptation, if it were possible, to advise our younger selves about life are we not denying them their own life experiences?’

That’s a fair point. Surely, you have things you wish you had known

‘Don’t we all.’

Well, yeah, I think we all do

‘And you say you have no regrets’

I’m not sure that is the same thing

‘So if you had known things about your life in advance you wouldn’t have done somethings different?’

I can’t know for sure, but I don’t think so. I have learned to trust life to happen at it’s right time

‘So you trust your destiny’

Yes, don’t you?

‘Yes, which is why I don’t think it makes sense to tell the 14-year-old me anything other than that’

Well, to me that’s a good bit of advice, not sure how a 14-year-old would take it

‘Probably with that look of you know nothing old man’

Haha! Indeed

‘So what is the point of telling the 14-year-old obnoxious little twat I was anything as he would take no notice anyway’

Haha! ‘Yeah, whatever’ is disconcerting as a response

‘I bet you heard that a few times with your two’

Still do now and then

‘But they listen to you now’

When they want to, but that’s not always when they need to

‘Haha! So there is no real point going back to our 30-something selves either’

No, not really.

‘It’s just not done in an obnoxious twat kind of way’

At least less so, I hope

‘Accepting that is how things are is part of the learning curve, I think’

Perhaps, self-acceptance is a good bit of advice

‘Or just bloody get on with living your life’

Haha! Do it and be damned, I like it. See you tomorrow, Nige
