A Year in the Life – Day 106

Day 106
Prompt: Is your career following in the footsteps of your parents

Hi Nigel,

‘Hiya! The quick answer is no’

That goes for both of us

‘I have no interest in the motor industry so was never going to follow in Daddy’s footsteps.’

One of us did, but it wasn’t you and me

‘And my maths is useless so I couldn’t have followed Mum into banking even if I had wanted to’

I didn’t want to

‘It’s not always about making a heap of money if you are miserable in a job there is no amount of money that is going to make it feel better’

I can absolutely vouch for that

‘Given you are a very compassionate person nursing and the care industry should have been all right with you’

In the beginning, you are correct but being good at the job and having experience took me into the managerial side of things and it ceased being about care and compassion and more money and time management – definitely not my happy place

‘Is it useful to be compassionate though’

Most of the time, it gets difficult when clients expect you to be their friend away from the workplace – reality check professionally you can’t do that.

‘So letting go at the end of the day is difficult’

It can be.

‘Question is are our parents appreciative and proud of what we do’

I think so

‘You are a parent, you should know’

From that perspective, I may not understand what my children do but if it is right for them then I am proud they do it, I suppose. It isn’t really their career choices that matter to me but the type of person they are.

‘Oh, don’t I know that with you. Don’t you think the type of person they have grown up to be is partly down to you’

It might be

‘I can imagine you were more than a bit harsh if they showed any sort of prejudice;

On the odd occasion. To be fair they were raised in a very open-minded environment so saw little prejudice or discrimination

‘I imagined that would be the case’

I’ll take that as a compliment

‘Indeed, you should’

Thank you, mate. See you tomorrow, Nige
