For A Depressed Woman by James A Emanuel

James A Emanuel 1921-2013

For A Depressed Woman

My friends do not know.
But what could my friends not know?
About what? What friends?

She sleeps late each day,
stifling each reason to rise,
choked into the quilt.

“I’ll never find work.”
She swallows this thought with pills,
finds tears in the glass

James A Emanuel
Born: 15 June1921, Nebraska, USA
Nationality: American
Died: 28 September 2013, Paris, France

Emanuel was a poet and a scholar. He is renowned as one of the best and most neglected poets of the 20th century and published more than 300 poems, 13 books, and an influential anthology of African-American literature, Emanuel is credited with the creation of the jazz and blues haiku genre, often read with a musical accompaniment

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