A Year in the Life – Day 99

Day 99
Prompt: Describe your sense of humour

Hi Nigel,

Hiya! Warped, off-the-wall, mine

Haha! Sounds familiar

‘As far as humour goes, I don’t think you and I have a normal one’

Personally, I don’t do anything normal as that means conforming to someone else’s ideal and sacrificing my own standards – why should humour be different.

‘There’s a guy I know who gets offended if you don’t find his idea of funny, funny’

Oh, dear, you have yourself a snowflake

‘I guess I do, I can’t say I am delighted’

Don’t worry we all have a few

‘He thinks he is hilarious’

In his little world he no doubt is

‘I don’t see what is so funny about basic bodily functions that belong in the toilet’

Oh gods, one of them

‘That sort of thing was funny when you are about four after that grow the fuck up’

Dude, the magic grow-up pills were faulty that day

‘It wouldn’t be so bad if it was in an appropriate setting’

I get ya, hearing a poop story while you are eating your dinner is galling

‘Yeah, and he’s wetting himself laughing he thinks he is so funny’

Of course, he thinks he’s hilarious, somebody has to

‘Then he has the audacity to say everyone else has no sense of humour’

It makes it difficult to humour them, doesn’t it?

‘Why should we have to, and smart ass play on words there’

Not my fault English gives different meanings to the same word that really don’t match each other

‘I know and that alternative meaning says it all.’

It does take tolerance to an extreme level as to humour someone means complying with their ideals no matter how unreasonable they may be

‘That’s not even funny, that is ridiculous’

I know

‘But yeah, that guy expects everyone to fit in with his wants and if you don’t, he gets raggy’

Sounds like a lovely chap.

‘Oh you can have him’

I’d rather not. see you tomorrow, Nige.


2 thoughts on “A Year in the Life – Day 99

  1. Bahaha! First of all, in our own little worlds we do think we are each individually hilarious, don’t we? !! And, the grow up pills? Well, yeah, we never bought them. I have to say that “bodily function” jokes are not my thing but sometimes they can be funny and when they aren’t sometimes the way they make other people laugh is actually the fun part!


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