Feel So Numb by Rob Zombie

Rob Zombie

Feel So Numb
Album: The Sinister Urge
Date: 2001
Genre: Metal
Artist: Rob Zombie

Rob Zombie is a singer, songwriter, record producer, filmmaker, and actor. His music and lyrics are noted for their horror and sci-fi themes and elaborate shock rock theatre shows

Married Life by Michael Giacchino

Michael Giacchino 1967-

Married Life
Film and TV

Michael Giacchino
Film and TV, Contemporary Classical, Jazz
Born: 10 October 1967, New Jersey, USA
Nationality: American

Giacchino is a composer of music for film, TV, and video games. He is the recipient of many accolades for his work including an Oscar for ‘Up’ (2009), and an Emmy for ‘Lost’ (2004)

The Girl with the Knife in Her Hand by Yoshimoto Nara

The Girl with the Knife in Her Hand by Yoshimoto Nara

The Girl with the Knife in Her Hand
Acrylic on cotton
Private Collection

‘The Girl with a Knife in Her Hand; is emblematic of Nara’s early work and his signature Superflat style of rosy-cheeked and wide-eyed children placed in an empty background. Removing the figures from recognizable settings gives them universal appeal transcending the limits of time and place

Yoshitomo Nara 1959-

Yoshitomo Nara
Superflat, Pop Art, Ukiyo-e Japanese Woodblock Prints, Japonism
Born: 5 December 1959, Aomori, Japan
Nationality: Japanese

A central figure within contemporary Japanese art, Nara is associated with the rise of Superflat art; a term coined by Takashi Murakami to describe the art movement that blends a two-dimensional graphic design with the contemplative interests of fine art. Nara’s deceptively simple art uses cartoon-style imagery to express the conflict of childhood emotion and anxiety within a single figure. Nara’s children are typically shown in a mood of resistance and rebellion. The illustrative quality of his art, and also his nationality, has often associated Nara with traditional Japanese manga and anime but his work draws on a wider range of influences from Western Punk Rock and fairy tales to Eastern religions and philosophies

A Mother’s Discipline

A Mother’s Discipline
Form: Short Measure

To sate His selfish dreams
The Earth gave up her plans
Yet He ignores her painful screams
Her dreams yielded for Man’s

He goes on killing trees
To save His precious time
Then wonders at the hotter breeze
That results from His crime

Mother Earth is aware
And soon will call a halt
And like all mothers she does care
But Man must face his fault


Emmett Till by James A Emanuel

James A Emanuel 1921-2013

Emmett Till *

I hear a whistling
Through the water.
Little Emmett
Won’t be still.
He keeps floating
Round the darkness,
Edging through
The silent chill.
Tell me, please,
That bedtime story
Of the fairy
River Boy
Who swims forever,
Deep in treasures,
Necklaced in
A coral toy.

  • *In 1955, Emmet Till, a fourteen-year-old from Chicago, for
    allegedly whistling at a white woman in Mississippi, was murdered
    by white men who tied a gin mill fan around his neck and threw his
    body into the Tallahatchie River

James A Emanuel
Born: 15 June1921, Nebraska, USA
Nationality: American
Died: 28 September 2013, Paris, France

Emanuel was a poet and a scholar. He is renowned as one of the best and most neglected poets of the 20th century and published more than 300 poems, 13 books, and an influential anthology of African-American literature, Emanuel is credited with the creation of the jazz and blues haiku genre, often read with a musical accompaniment

A Year in the Life – Day 120

Day 120
Prompt: What was your favourite childhood possession?

Hi Nigel,

‘Hiya! Oh, no not another one’

What’s the matter?

‘I want a ‘no prompt’ day’

Ahh! I see. Well Mac draws the prompts so we have to go with what we get

‘Does he actually read what you write?’

He always comments so I guess so.

‘I won’t swear at him then’

Haha! I am sure he will appreciate that

‘And I best put the ‘Mr Nigel Nice Guy’ hat on and do the prompt, right?’

Yeah, Mac is a great guy and this project is really cool

‘Without it, I would not exist, so damn right it is cool, writer’

There is that

‘This question isn’t that hard to answer, really’

I guess animals will be involved

‘Well, guess what, that’s where you are wrong’

Oh, okay, enlighten me

‘I will give you a clue’

Cool, okay

‘Spectrum is green’

Captain Scarlet

‘I didn’t think you would get that’

Haha! I love Captain Scarlet. And that means you haven’t looked much further than the bookshelves

‘I’m going to now’

5… 4… 3… 2…

‘Thunderbirds and Captain Scarlet, you lucky swine – oh my boogers, I love this cabinet’

Leave the trains alone

‘Haha! And I know better than touch the Batman stuff too, so don’t lose your shit’


‘You really do embrace the inner boy child, don’t you?’

More like how things should have been

‘So why the doll?’

She was Daisy May’s

‘Wow! That really brings her home, actually’

Little things do that, Nige, See you tomorrow
