The King by JRR Tolkien

JRR Tolkien 1892-1973

The King

The King beneath the mountains,
The King of carven stone,
The lord of silver fountains,
Shall come into his own!

His crown shall be upholden,
His harp shall be restrung,
His halls shall echo golden,
To songs of yore re-sung.

The woods shall wave on mountains,
And grass beneath the sun;
His wealth shall flow in fountains,
And the rivers golden run.

The streams shall run in gladness,
The lakes shall shine and burn,
All sorrow fail and sadness,
At the Mountain-king’s return

JRR Tolkien
Born: 3 January 1892, Bloemfontein, South Africa
Nationality: English
Died: 2 September 1973, Bournemouth, England

Tolkien was a writer and philologist, best known as the author of “The Hobbit” and “The Lord of the Rings.” He was also the Rawlinson and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon and a Fellow of Pembroke College at the University of Oxford. He and his close friend CS Lewis founded the informal literary group “The Inklings.” Many authors published works of fantasy before Tolkien, however, the great success of both “The Hobbit” and “The Lord of the Rings” directly led to a resurgence in the genre and Tolkien is often referred to as the father of modern fantasy literature

Bad Woman Blues by Beth Hart

Beth Hart

Bad Woman Blues
Album: War in My Mind
Date: 2019
Genre: Blues
Artist: Beth Hart

Beth Hart is a musician from California, USA. She found fame following the release of her 1999 single ‘LA Song (Out of This Town)’ from her second album ‘Screamin’ for My Supper’ The single reached number one in New Zealand as well as hitting the top 5 of the US Adult Contemporary and Top 10 on the Billboard Adult Top 40 charts

Sacred Pool of Tears by John Powell

John Powell 1963-

Sacred Pool of Tears
Film and TV

John Powell
Film and TV
Born: 18 September 1963, London, UK
Nationality: English

Powell is a composer known for his film scores, since 1997 he has been based in Los Angeles and has composed feature film scores including ‘Face/Off’, ‘Happy Feet’, and ‘X-Men’

Nude Arranging Her Hair by Suzanne Valadon

Nude Arranging Her Hair by Suzanne Valadon

Nude Arranging Her Hair
c. 1916
Oil on canvas board
National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington DC, USA

Valadon is one of a few female artists during the early 20th century whose primary subject was the female nude. She frequently painted women performing mundane activities. The subject of ‘Nude Arranging her Hair’ was probably the artist’s housekeeper, Gaby.

Suzanne Valadon 1865-1938

Suzanne Valadon
Post-Impression, Symbolism, Expressionism, Proto=Feminist Artists
Born: 23 September 1865, Bessines-sur-Gartempe, Haute-Vienne, France
Nationality: French
Died: 7 April 1938. Paris, France

Valadon was a painter. In 1894 she became the first woman painter admitted to the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts Over a 40-year career Valadon’s subjects included female nudes, portraits of women, still life, and landscapes. She was not confined to any tradition and shocked the art world by also painting male nudes. Valadon was the mother of artist Maurice Utrillo

Springtime Bolero

A Garret Poet

Springtime Bolero
Form: Nashers

In my garden, she sits
In the sunshine it’s

Her blissful spot
For watching the world, not

A care in the world has she
On a spring day, she can be

A little sparrow
Singing her springtime bolero


Hug (Ragtag Daily Prompt)

Inspired by and written for the Ragtag Daily Prompt, my thanks to Punam

Form: Couplet

To many it is a comfort
A placebo for things that hurt

That brings ease in a storm
And, perhaps, that is the norm

But for me that warm embrace
Is something I can’t face

It puts me on edge
As if on a ledge

And though it gives them the hump
From that edge, I want to jump
