Unnamed Sonnet 13 Notes

A Garret Poet

Unnamed Sonnet 13 Notes

Created by: Jose Rizal M Reyes
Structure: Octet and sestet
Meter: Pentameter or Decasyllabic
Rhyme Scheme: ababcdcd efegfg


Musing On a Line by Jezzie G

A gentle breeze that takes my cares away
And it brings the taste of the open sea
A cool welcome on a late summer day
And the seagulls gather not far from me
The heat of the day moves to the black clouds
To fade into the distant falling rain
Far from the chatter of the feathered crowds
I sip my wine in this quiet refrain

Late summer has come with its own reward
A quiet evening on an empty beach
This peaceful place is my gentle award
As I contemplate, musing on a line
And the cooling change is changing my reach
As the autumn days will surely be mine