Every Day is a Journey

Matsuo Basho 1644-1694

Matsuo Basho
Born: 1644, Iga Province, Japan
Nationality: Japanese
Died: 28 November 1694, Osaka, Japan

Matsuo Bashō was the most famous poet of the Edo period in Japan. He was recognized for his poetry in the hakai no renga form during his lifetime. Today he is considered the greatest hokku, haiku master. Bashō’s poetry is globally renowned and in Japan, his poems are reproduced on monuments and other traditional sites. Although justifiably famous for his hokku, he believed his best work was leading and participating in renku.

Introduced to poetry at an early age Bashō integrated himself into the intellectual scene of Edo (modern Tokyo) and quickly became well-known throughout Japan. He made a living as a teacher but renounced the social, urban life of literary circles to wander throughout Japan to gain inspiration for his poetry which was influenced by his own experiences of the world around him.

Born in the Iga Province, Japan, the Matsuo family were of Samurai descent and his father is thought to have been a musokunin, a class of landowner peasants granted privileges of Samurai. Very little is known of Bashō’s childhood, however, became a servant to Tōdō Yoshitada in his late teens, probably in some humble capacity, and was probably not promoted to the full samurai class.

Bashō shared Yoshitada’s love of the collaborative poetry composition, the haikai no renga. A sequence opened with a verse of 5-7- mora, the hokku, and centuries later it became the haiku presented as a stand-alone poem. The hokku would be followed by a related 7-7 mora verse by another poet. Both Bashō and Yoshitada used a haigō, a haikai pen name. Bashō’s was Sōbō, the Sino-Japanese reading of his adult name. In 1662 the first extant poem by Bashō was published.

In 1695, together with some acquaintances, Bashō and Yashitada composed a hyakuin, a one-hundred-verse renku. Yashitada’s death in 1666 brought an end to Bashōs peaceful life as a servant and it is believed Bashō gave up on the possibility of samurai status and left home. His poems continued to be published in anthologies in 1667, 1668, and 1671, and a compilation of his work and that by others, The Seashell Game in 1672. Also in 1672, Bashō moved to Edo to continue his study of poetry.

Quickly recognised in the fashionable literary circles of Nihonbashi, Bashõ’s poetry was acclaimed for its simple and natural style. He was inducted into the inner circles of the haikai professional in 1674 and received its secret teachings from Kitamura Kigin.

In 1675, Nishyama Sōin, leader of the Danrin School of Haiku, travelled to Edo from Osaka and Bashō was one of the poets invited to compose with him. Bashō gave himself the haigō of Tōsei and by 1680 he had a full-time job teaching his twenty disciples who went on to publish The Best Poems of Tōsei’s Twenty Disciples. That winter, Bashō moved across the river to Fukagawa and out of the public eye. His disciples built him a rustic hut and planted a Japanese banana tree in the grounds giving Bashō his first permanent home and a new haigō

Bashō grew lonely and dissatisfied despite his success and began to practice Zen meditation, however, it doesn’t seem that calmed his mind. In 1682 his hut burned down and early in 1683, his mother died. Following his mother’s death he travelled to Yamura to stay with a friend. Bashō’s disciples gave him a second hut in the winter of 1983, however, his spirits didn’t improve and in 1684 he left Edo on the first of four major wanderings.

Bashō travelled alone and off the beaten path of the Edo Five Routes which in medieval Japan were considered immensely dangerous. Initially, Bashō expected to die in the middle of nowhere or be murdered by bandits. His mood improved as his journey progressed and he began to enjoy being on the road. Bashō enjoyed the changing scenery and the seasons. His poetry became less introspective and more striking in his observations of the world around him. Bashō’s trip took him from Edo to Mount Fuji, Ueno, and Kyoto. He met poets who referred to themselves as his disciples and sought his advice. In the summer of 1685, he returned to Edo, writing more hokku and comments on his own life. On his return to Edo Bashō resumed his job as a teacher of poetry at his hut, however, he was already planning another journey.

The poets of Edo gathered at the bashō hut for a haiku no renga contest on the subject of frogs, which seems to have been a tribute to Bashō’s hokku which placed top of the compilation. Bashō stayed in Edo teaching and holding contests. In the autumn of 1687, he took an excursion to the countryside for moon watching, and in 1688 he made a longer trip, returning to Ueno for the Lunar New Year celebrations. By the time Bashō arrived in Ōgaki, Gifu Prefecture, he had finished the log of his journey. After editing and redacting it for three years, the final version, “The Narrow Road to the Interior,” was completed in 1694, and published, posthumously, in 1702. It is considered Bashō’s finest achievement, and was a great commercial success, with many poets following the path of his journey.

Bashō lived in his third bashō hut on his return to Edo in 1691, again provided by his followers. However, this time he was not alone; his nephew, Toin, and a female friend, Julei, both recovering from illness, lived with him. He also had many visitors. Bashō was uneasy and wrote to a friend that he had no peace of mind. He continued to earn a living from teaching and appearances at haikai gatherings until August 1693 when he shut the gate to his hut and refused to see anyone for a month. After adopting the principle of karumi he relented and regreeted the outside world instead of separating himself from it. He left Edo for the last time in the summer of 1694 spending time in Ueno and Kyoto before travelling to Osaka where he developed a stomach illness and died peacefully, surrounded by his followers.

falling sick on a journey
my dreams go wandering
over a field of dried grass

Silence of Twilight

Silence of Twilight
Form: Elegy

In that cold silence of twilight
when the ashes of love faded
but never burned out
the moon rose in mourning
to ease my crying heart
as my eyes wept into the night
into the aloneness my life would be
yet as the sun rose in his golden wonder
I felt a warm embrace
reminding me I am not alone
for you will always be with me


Walk This Way by Aerosmith

Walk This Way
Album: Raising Hell
Date: 1986
Genre: Rap Rock
Artist: Aerosmith


Aerosmith is a rock band formed in Boston, Massachusetts in 1970, The band consists of Steve Tyler (lead vocals), Joe Perry (guitar), Tom Hamilton (bass), Joey Kramer (drums), and Brad Whitford (guitar). Rooted in blues-based hard rock, Aerosmith’s style also incorporates elements of pop rock, metal, glam, and R&B. The songwriting team of Tyler and Perry is often referred to as the Toxic twins

Young Virgin by Salvador Dali

Young Virgin by Salvador Dali

Young Virgin
Oil on canvas
Private Collection

Demonstrating Dali’s style of exaggerating the representation of the female form within an abstracted background this painting is undoubtedly focused on sexual allusion. Overtly phallic rhinoceros horns, and form the components of the central buttock, and the disparate images threatening it. The title of the painting reinforces Dali’s conflicting views of women as mysterious objects of power, fear, and seduction.

Salvador Dali
Surrealism, Surrealist Sculpture, Biomorphism, Assemblage
Born: 11 May 1904, Catalonia, Spain
Nationality: Spanish
Died: 23 January 1989, Catalonia, Spain

Salvador Dali 1904-1989

Dali was a surrealist artist known for his technical skill, precision draftsmanship, and the striking and often bizarre nature of his images. Initially influenced by Impressionism and the Renaissance he became increasingly interested in Cubism and the avant-garde movements of the time. By the late 1920s, he joined the Surrealist group of artists and became one of its leading exponents.

Haiku by Jack Kerouac


Birds singing
in the dark
—Rainy dawn

Jack Kerouac 1922-1969

Jack Kerouac
Born: 12 March 1922, Massachusetts, USA
Nationality: American
Died: 21 October 1969, Florida, USA

Kerouac was a novelist and poet who, with William S. Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg, was a pioneer of the Beat Generation. Kerouac, recognised for his spontaneous prose, covering topics such as Catholic spirituality, jazz, promiscuity, travel, New York life, drugs, and poverty, Along with other Beats he was a progenitor of the hippie movement although he was antagonistic towards some of its more radical politics

Inglorious Queen (writephoto)

Courtesy Of KL Caley

Inspired by and written for #Writephoto – thank you, KL

I know it’s a British Naval ship, but I’m reading about Bismarck so going with that

Inglorious Queen
Form: Free Verse

From the annuls of war
battles claiming the seas
for the control of the waters
between us and them
a ship set sail
on a maiden voyage
proud in her shades of grey
the queen of the German fleet
heading north
to where bussers once sailed
from the lands of the Vikings
where she met His Majesty’s navy
first the salvos of warrior ships
then from the air
the bombs attacked
sealing her fate
crippled at sea
in the strait of Denmark
she was sunk by her men
without glory
yet her name, Bismarck
lives on


Throw In the Towel (JustJoJan)

Inspired by and written for JustJoJan – thank you, Linda

Following yesterday’s shopping adventure for food for the dog and cat and talking to Willow

Original draft approved by the lovely Willow – so a few edits and rewrites later, thank you, Willow

Form: List Poem

Boxes of dog food
Boxes of cat food
Frozen fish fillets
Chicken thighs
And after all that
I’m skint – and can’t afford a towel


In Honour of Bagpuss

Some years back I used to write a weekly piece for a small press magazine. My page space was called Hobbit Hole Witterings, a reflection of my love for Tolkien and the fact I am a short butt. The Hobbit Hole was my bedroom – got a bit more workspace these days so the Hobbit Hole is now my desk in the living room where I work from. My companion back then was an undersized munchkin cat who went by the name of Bagpuss and would sit behind my laptop screen – yes she was that tiny – while I was working, occasionally popping her head over the screen for a fuss. Sadly the small press magazine has gone the way of many independents and Bagpuss was called to the Rainbow Bridge at the age of 12.

So why am I writing about this now? I am going through my old work files and found the articles from back then. Reading through a few I thought why not do it again on my blog. Little pieces on random things or observations, and occasionally a rant letting off steam about something stupid in the world. My companion at my desk now is Shadow, and Lily is underneath. They don’t seem to be disapproving of my calling it the Hobbit Hole.

So here we are, the threesome, on a cold Sunday evening. Oh sounds awful – right? However, Lily and I took our evening plod, c’mon she is 14 in March she doesn’t do walks she does plods, just as the sun was going down and the sky was magnificent shades of red. Now I was taught red sky at night, shepherd’s delight so that means sunshine tomorrow. Who needs weather forecasters when the old ancient sayings and traditions work far better.

The seaweed out the window never fails, of course. If it’s raining the seaweed is wet, if not it will be dry – well go figure, no one is surprised by that. But the little kid me of 4-5 years old, a bloody long time ago, believed my Nanna was doing magic with that. And the fireworks at Guy Fawkes were for her birthday and she was 21. Such was the magical days of innocence and anything could be true. Somehow that innocent sweet child became cynical, don’t believe anything, me.

Anyway, that’s quite enough to get the ball rolling on the new Hobbit Hole Witterings.

Til next time


Recovering Amid the Farms by Jack Gilbert

Recovering Amid the Farms

Every morning the sad girl brings her three sheep
and two lambs laggardly to the top of the valley,
past my stone hut and onto the mountain to graze.
She turned twelve last year and it was legal
for the father to take her out of school. She knows
her life is over. The sadness makes her fine,
makes me happy. Her old red sweater makes
the whole valley ring, makes my solitude gleam.
I watch from hiding for her sake. Knowing I am
there is hard on her, but it is the focus of her days.
She always looks down or looks away as she passes
in the evening. Except sometimes when, just before
going out of sight behind the distant canebrake,
she looks quickly back. It is too far for me to see,
but there is a moment of white if she turns her face

Jack Gilbert 1926-2012

Jack Gilbert
Born: 18 February 1925, Pennsylvania, USA
Nationality: American
Died: 13 November 2012, California, USA

Gilbert was a poet, acquainted with the prominent figureheads of the Beat Movement, Jack Spicer and Allen Ginsberg. However, Gilbert considered himself a serious romantic poet. Over his five-decade career, he published five full collections of poetry

Walking the Chase

Walking the Chase
Form: Saraband Sonnet 9

To walk with you through untouched snow
The cold wind unnoticed by love
Just footprints behind where we go
But should I do it on my own
Making the trail through the fields alone
Would I still find the snow-kissed rose
That brushed the flakes from on my nose
Can I still feel you walking beside
Or hear you laughing through the Chase
While matching my legs stride for stride
It’s not the same out here today
And there’s no snow on the pathway
But I’m feeling you everywhere
Like a misty breath on cold air


Bernardino Campi Painting Sofonisba Anguissola by Sofonisba Anguissola

Bernardino Campi Painting Sofonisba Anguissola by Sofonisba Anguissola

Bernardino Campi Painting Sofonisba Anguissola
Oil on canvas
Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena, Italy

In a dark studio Campi looms out of the shadows to make eye contact with the viewer as he paints a portrait of his elaborately dressed student, Anguissola. This may be the first time Anguissola is the subject of her own work so portrays herself as fashionable and jovial instead of the usually stoic and contemplative artist portrait.

Sofonisba Anguissola
Mannerism, Baroque
Born: 1532, Cremona, Italy
Nationality: Italian
Died: 16 November 1625, Palermo, Sicily, Italy

Sofonisba Anguissola 1532-1625

Anguissola was a Renaissance painter, born to a poor but noble family. She received a well-rounded education including the fine arts and her apprenticeship with local painters of the time set a precedent for women to be accepted as students of art


A Garret Poet

Form: Rispetto

So softly, eyes revealed her thoughts
and roses wilted in her tears
her heart embraced those distant fears
when love she found has no retort.

She turned to face eternal gloom
in hopeless dreams of dying lace
as heartbreak's shadows crossed the room
another tear caressed her face


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Amenities (JustJoJan)

Inspired by and written for JustJoJan – thank you, Kim

Definition: Amenities – n. a desirable or useful feature or facility of a building or place; the pleasantness or attractiveness of a place

Synonyms: facility, service, convenience, resource, utility, system, appliance, aid, advantage, comfort, benefit, arrangement, opportunity, equipment

Form: Tanka

getting in and out
not easy in a wheelchair
ramp instead of steps
to say you are welcome here
access is all that’s asked for


Prodigious (WOTDC)

Inspired by and written for Word of the Day Challenge – thank you, Cyranny

Definition: Prodigious – adj. remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree

Synonyms: enormous, huge, colossal, immense, vast, great, massive, mammoth, monumental

Form: Lunka

stars light up the night
each one is a sun
the life of planets


Faust by Charles Gounod


Charles Gounod
Born: 17 June 1818, Paris, France
Nationality: French
Died: 18 October 1893, Saint-Cloud, France

Charles Gounod 1818-1893

Gounod was a composer and wrote twelve operas including “Faust” (1859) and “Romeo and Juliet” (1867), both of which remain in the international repertory. Gounod also composed church music, songs, and other shorter pieces. He was a student at the Conservatoire de Paris and won France’s prestigious musical prize, the Prix de Rome. A deeply religious man, Gounod considered the priesthood after his studies

Empty Words

Empty Words
Form: Sonnet

In barren deserts flowers never bloom,
and distant mountains greet another death;
an angel's face devoured by war's ghastly breath,
a waif abandoned to the dust and doom.
No life to live in this predestined hell
where words refuse to meet actions made;
as morality hides inside the shade
in silence tolls another lonely bell.
The pious utterances mean nothing,
they're empty words without reason to be,
and only blind ignorance cannot see
there are no joyful praises left to sing.
No hope in this, a world of hatred's fears
what hollow words replace a mother's tears?


(Nonconforming) Family (JustJoJan)

Inspired by and written for JustJoJan – thank you, J-Dub

Definition: Family – n. a group of people who are related to each other, such as a mother, a father, and their children

Opposite/Antonyms: nonstandard, ascent, disarrange, irregular, instability, nonconforming

Form: Lune

they see different
not fitting the norm
two mums or two dads
and the hate begins
why do they hate love
raising our children
they do not know hate
they see life’s beauty
open minds
love, their reality


Simply Love (WPWC)

Inspired by and written for Weekly Prompts Wednesday Challenge – thank you GC and Sue

Simply Love
Form: Limerick 3

There ain’t much a house can do
Empty walls, no point of view
A pile of bricks or a bundle of sticks
No sense of being echoes through
An empty place has no beat
It just stands there on the street
An empty plight of future delight
When a house becomes a safe retreat
So how do bricks and sticks become home
That place to be from whence we roam
The answer to the above is simply love
For love will always bring me home


Sunday Sonnet: Come, darkest night by Lady Mary Wroth

Lady Mary Wroth 1587-1652

Come, darkest night, becoming sorrow best;
Light, leave thy light, fit for a lightsome soul;
Darkness doth truly suit with me oppressed
Whom absence’ power doth from mirth control.
The very trees with hanging heads condole
Sweet summer’s parting, and of leaves distressed
In dying colours make a grief-ful role:
So much, alas, to sorrow are they pressed.
Thus of dead leaves her farewell carpet’s made:
Their fall, their branches, all their mournings prove
With leafless, naked bodies, whose hues vade
From hopeful green, to wither in their love.
If trees and leaves for absence mourners be,
No marvel that I grieve, who like want see

O Sole Mio by Enrico Caruso

O Sole Mio

Enrico Caruso
Born: 25 February 1873, Naples, Italy
Nationality: Italian
Died: 2 August 1921, Naples, Italy

Enrico Caruso 1873-1921

Caruso was an operatic first lyric tenor and dramatic tenor. To great acclaim, he sang at the major opera houses of Europe and America in a variety of roles from the Italian and French repertoires. Caruso was one of the first major singing talents to be commercially recorded and made 247 recordings from 1902-1920 making him an internationally popular star in the world of entertainment.

Xanadu by Rush

Album: A Farewell to Kings
Date: 1977
Genre: Progressive Rock
Artist: Rush

Rush was a rock band formed in Toronto, Canada in 1968, primarily consisting of Geddy Lee (bass and vocals), Alex Lifeson (guitar), and Neil Peart (drums, percussion, and lyricist). The band went through several line-up configurations before achieving it classic power line-up. Rush achieved commercial success in the 1970s with “Fly by Night” (1975), “2112” (1976), and “A Farewell to Kings” (1977). Their popularity continued throughout the 1980s and 1990s with albums charting highly in Canada, the US, and the UK. Rush were best known for their musicianship, eclectic lyrical motifs, and complex compositions heavily influenced by science fiction, fantasy, and philosophy

Vårnatt og seljekall by Nikolai Astrup

Vårnatt og seljekall by Nikolai Astrup

Vårnatt og seljekall
Hand-coloured woodcut

Astrup took an interest in Japanese woodcutting whilst studying in Paris in 1901. He started producing his own woodcuts in 1914. “Vårnatt og seljekall” (the call of the Seljie or goat willow tree) makes reference to the sound made by the wind as it passes through the Seljie tree. Astrup portrays the “calling” tree as a troll-like creature clawing at the sky, silhouetted against a natural background of a lake and mountains. Astrup reveals an ambivalent relationship with his surroundings both calm and serene, yet dark and menacing.

Nikolai Astrup
Born: 30 August 1880, Bremanger, Norway
Nationality: Norwegian
Died: 21 January 1928, Førde, Norway

Nikolai Astrup 1880-1928

Astrup was a modernist painter with a distinctive and innovative style noted for its intense use of colour depicting the landscapes of Vestlandet and the traditional way of life in the region

Picture Frame

Picture Frame
Form: Ivorian Sonnet 86

I see your photo in the silver frame
And feel my lips softly whisper your name
While wondering on what it would be like
To hold you in my arms for one more time
As the pain of alone reaches a spike
My broken heart consumed in missing you
But I know it is just one of those days
When a dream has left my soul feeling blue
Wishing life had been in different ways
Photo reminders of our love so true
Images of love, a passion sublime
While I have aged your beauty stays the same
The senselessness of time just a passing haze
‘Cos I still can recall what you look like


Purrfection (Simply 6 Minutes)

Inspired by and written for Simply 6 Minutes – thank you, Christine

Form: Cornish Sonnet 3

If she goes up, or, maybe, she goes down
The Ninja Shadow ain’t telling you which
Just meow sounds from an amber eyed frown
Perhaps I didn’t get her timing right
As I see quivers of a whisker twitch
That tells me she is getting all uptight
“Quickly, hoomin, fetch me a tasty treat”
And I grab the bag before she can blink
The pillows of cream cheese she loves to eat
Pretending I know where it is all at
Still she gives me her knowing kitty wink
She is purrrfectly herself as a cat
If she goes up, or, maybe, she goes down
She is purrrfectly herself as a cat

Time: 6 minutes 10 seconds

Word Count: 111


Vaughnet Notes

Created by: Henry Vaughan
Structure: Quatrain, couplet, and two quatrains
Meter: Pentameter or Decasyllabic
Rhyme Scheme: abab cc dede fgfg


Chipmonk Bouquet by Larry Eberhart

I love my Tess, I love my Tess, I do.
I must confess it is sweet Tess, I crave.
She rubbed my nose so I suppose love’s true.
She’s crazy over flowers, she does rave.
“The flower power is most sensual.
but neat- it is; they’re sweet and edible.”

So what we’ll do- if fine with you- I say-
Is place my face right here with baby breath.
to frame my fame in cellophane bouquet.
She’ll giggle, laugh or else be scared to death.

But she’s the one, I want to share my nuts.
She’s cute, a beauty really with filled cheeks.
I need to succeed; no ifs ands or buts.
If this works fine she will be mine for keeps

Untitled (7) by Diane Arbus

Untitled (7)
Documentary Photography
Gelatin Silver Print
Collection of Carla Emil and Rich Silverstein

“Untitled (7)” is a somber, mysterious image depicting severely disabled patients out on a walk dressed in their Halloween masks. Arbus makes strong use of the camera’s flash during this walk beneath dark skies and moonlight taking the scene beyond the usual images created by Arbus. The patients are supposed to be in a safer place but the location and photographic techniques create a different light. Ethically challenging due to the subjects of this series of photographs not having to give the same level of permission as her other subjects did as the institution gave permission. These images were never intended for the larger body of Arbus’s oeuvre as it seems exploitative which was never her objective as an artist, Arbus normally used descriptive titles for her work that she wished to be shown after her death. Her daughter, Doon, titled it “Untitled”

Diane Arbus 1923-1971

Diane Arbus
Straight Photography, Street Photography, Documentary Photography, Modern Photography, Identity Art and Identity Politics
Born: 14 March 1923, New York, USA
Nationality: American
Died: 26 July 1971, New York, USA

Arbus was a photographer who photographed a wide range of subjects during her career including strippers, carnival performers, children, mothers, couples, elderly people, and families. Arbus is noted for expanding the concepts of acceptable subject matter and not objectifying her subjects so as to capture them with a rare psychological intensity

Ganz Wein by Falco

Ganz Wein
Album: Einzelhaft
Date: 1982
Genre: Goth/Industrial
Artist: Falco

Falco 1957-1998

Falco (1957-1998) was a singer and musician with several international hits including “Vienna Calling,” “Rock Me, Amadeus,” and posthumously “Out of the Dark.” “Rock Me Amadeus” reached No.1 on the Billboard charts in 1986 making Falco the only German language artist to score a number-one hit in the US


Windflowers JW Waterhouse

Form: Ekphrasis

Alone, I stood alone in our garden
my eyes staring listlessly into the night
lifeless in the darkness
except for the constant yearning
of my lost heart
and my sorrowful mind thinking
of her
images of her consuming my thoughts
instantly and completely
and I want to cry
cry the tears to regain my empty soul
perhaps if I close my eyes I will see
see her light
for our love was born here in the garden
breathing the dew of passion’s serenity
with her beauty like the blossoming flowers
enchanting my senses and being
that first kiss as gentle as the summer breeze
entwined with the scent of silken hair
and her skin like the morning sun
inviting my eyes to meet her iris blue gaze
with a whispering kiss sealing my eternity
in the nature of her beauty
here in our garden
was reality but a dream?


Holocaust — Edge of Humanity Magazine

The International Holocaust Remembrance Day The International Holocaust Remembrance Day, or the International Day in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust, is an international memorial day on 27 January that commemorates the victims of the Holocaust, which resulted in the murder of one third of the Jewish people, along with countless members of other minorities between 1933 and 1945 by Nazi…

Holocaust — Edge of Humanity Magazine

Creative Journal (JustJoJan)

Inspired by and written for JustJoJan – thank you, Linda

A creative journal – well, I can’t give you a photo of mine as my camera is otherwise engaged at the bird table filming some blue tits so instead, I will share a drawing from last year’s sketch pad, I hope that will do

Gateway to the Soul — Jez Farmer 2021

PS I am not a photographer


Paintbrush (JustJoJan)

Inspired by and written for JustJoJan – thank you, Paula

Prompt: Paintbrush

Form: Free write

My paintbrush, well brushes are as vital to me as a pen. Art has become the driving force of my life, be it a painting or a piece of writing. Like my poetry, my paintings and drawings have a piece of me in them. Over the last year, I have been using art as a therapeutic technique. Brush on canvas, pen on paper, or pencil on card it is letting me be. This time last year my mental health crashed, dangerously crashed as I couldn’t see a way out except… yeah, we all know what the except was. I stopped writing as I didn’t see the point. My housemate was quick to react and dug out my pencils and sketchpad – draw, draw whatever, just draw. And yes, he was right to do that as when my words can’t release pencils and paint can even if the images have nothing to do with what is going on in my head, the lines and brushwork often do. Drawing led to painting from watercolour to oils, I had never worked with oils before. So for this prompt my first oil painting. The sea and sailing have always symbolized freedom to me, an escape from everything on land, and that was going in my head, I don’t know – maybe

Mooring — JezzieG2022


(Not)Ideal (JustJoJan)

Inspired by and written for JustJoJan – thank you, Astrid

Definition: Ideal – adj. existing only in the imagination; desirable or perfect but not likely to become a reality

Opposite/Antonyms: flawed, wrong, imperfect

Form: Kimo

the dreams of perfect love that cannot be
for the heart is imperfect
flawed before the first kiss


Re(Dis)charge (RDP)

Inspired by and written for Ragtag Daily Prompt – thank you, CuriousCat

Oh my bees, the antonyms are a bit harsh – oh well, here goes

Definition: Recharge – v. restore electrical energy in (a battery or a battery-operated device) by connecting it to a power supply.

Antonyms: destroy, kill, ruin

Form: Interlocking Pathya Vat

The destruction
to end it all
the final fall
from earthly grace
The end must come
upon this place
a truth to face
that bears no thrill
Say goodbye now
there is no pill
to stop the kill
now it’s your turn


(Un)Invent (YDWP)

Inspired by and written for Your Daily Word Prompt – thank you, Sheryl

Definition: Invent – v. create or design (something that has not existed before); be the originator of

Opposite/Antonyms: destroy, end, finish, lose, miss, terminate, forget, stop

Form: Haiku

turn back hands of time
when the living was easy
or so it may seem


(Un)seasonal (JustJoJan)

Inspired and written for JustJoJan – thank you, Kaye

Prompt: Seasonal

Definition: Seasonal – adj. relating to or characteristic of a particular season of the year

Opposite/Antonyms: continuous, constant, eternal, perpetual, incessant, unceasing, everlasting

Word 1: Constant
Word 2: Eternal

Form: Bina

The passage of time is constant
what remains becomes eternal
A love without end, eternal
for the heart and soul stay constant
For love the only constant within the light eternal
