Monolith (Ragtag Daily Prompt)

Inspired by and written for the Ragtag Daily Prompt, my thanks to BushBoy

Form: The Blitz

Stone on stone balanced
Stone revealing ancient history
History standing tall in the future
History speaking of the ancestors
Ancestors sharing etches of wisdom
Ancestor’s memories scribed on walls
Walls shrouding kings
Walls revealing the path to eternity
Eternity beyond mortality
Eternity in the realm of gods
Gods offer magic and mystery
Gods demanding sacrifice
Sacrifice of time and of self
Sacrificial offerings at stone altars made
Made in worshipful humility
Made with the heart and soul
Souls in union with the divine
Souls open to the cycle of existence life
Life extending beyond death
Life reborn in nature’s cycle
Cycles turning never-ending
Cycle of seasons turn to years
Years go by centuries
Years challenging time
Time attempts to change
Time keeps passing the same
Same then as is now
Same the cycles of familiarity
Familiar but not of the gods
Familiar beliefs crumble in dust
Dust mingling with dry sand
Dusty clouds as tombs open
Open the past to questioning eyes
Open the mind to ways long-forgotten
Forgotten as a rusty old spoon
Forgotten ways once of tradition
Traditional old-world values
Traditional paths welcome feet again
Again we wonder how
Again we cannot see the evidence
Evidence in front of our eyes
Evidence that answers no questions
Questions how they did it
Questions why stones are standing here
Here in the desert dunes
Here in the verdant fields
Fields with a solid circle
Fields surrounded by walls of stone


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