Catch the Rainbow by Rainbow


Catch the Rainbow
Album: Ritchie Blackmore’s Rainbow
Date: 1975
Genre: Rock
Artist: Rainbow

Formed in London and Los Angeles in 1975 by Ritchie Blackmore, Rainbow are a British-American rock band. The band was established in the aftermath of Blackmore’s departure from Deep Purple and originally consisted of four members of the band Elf including Ronnie James Dio. After the debut album, Ritchie fired them except for Dio and recruited drummer Cozy Powell, Bassist Jimmy Bain, and keyboardist Tony Carey. The lineup recorded Rainbow’s second album and Bob Daisley and David Stone replaced Bain and Carey respectively. Dio left to join Black Sabbath in 1979

Phyllis and Aristotle by Lucas Cranach the Elder

Phyllis and Aristotle by Lucas Cranach the Elder

Phyllis and Aristotle
Northern Renaissance
Oil on panel
Private Collection

‘Phyllis and Aristotle’ is drawn from a 13th-century German poem, a cautionary tale from the Medieval Power of Woman tradition. Phyllis takes revenge on the Greek philosopher and paragon of reason, Aristotle, for denying her meeting with her lover. With the power of seduction, she persuades Aristotle to let her ride as if he were a horse while she whips him.

Lucas Cranach the Elder 1472-1553

Lucas Cranach the Elder
Northern Renaissance
Born: 1472, Kronach, Germany
Nationality: German
Died: 16 October 1553

Cranach the Elder was a painter and printmaker in woodcut and engraving. He was the court painter to the Electors of Saxony for most of his career. Cranach the Elder is best known for his portraits of German princes and leaders of the Protestant Reformation. Throughout his career, he also painted nude subjects drawn from both mythology and religion

The Dark Night of the Soul by Loreena McKennitt

Loreena McKennitt 1957-

The Dark Night of the Soul
New Age

Loreena McKennitt
New Age
Born: 17 February 1957, Manitoba, Canada
Nationality: Canadian

McKennitt is a singer-songwriter, composer, and multi-instrumentalist best known for Celtic and Middle Eastern-influenced world music. She is also known for her refined soprano vocals. McKennitt has sold over 14 million albums worldwide


A Garret Poet

Form: Free Verse

Standing at the church doorway
The domes blossoming
Like roses from pale stone
And ahead of me on the tiled floor
A resting place of a man
A man of glory
And I watched a passing lady
Kissing the tombstone
Then listen for a heartbeat of memory
But I am not a passing visitor
And as I turned to leave
The man left with me
The lady will not hear my heart tonight


Rich or Poor by William Henry Davies

William Henry Davies 1871-1940

Rich or Poor

With thy true love I have more wealth
Than Charon’s piled-up bank doth hold;
Where he makes kings lay down their crowns
And life-long misers leave their gold.

Without thy love I’ve no more wealth
Than seen upon that other shore;
That cold, bare bank he rows them to –
Those kings and misers made so poor.

William Henry Davies
Born: 3 July 1871, Newport, Wales
Nationality: Welsh
Died: 26 September 1940, Gloucestershire, England

Davis was a poet and writer. He spent much of his life as a tramp or hobo in the UK and the USA yet became one of the most popular poets of his time. His themes included his observations on life’s hardships, the human condition reflected in nature his travels as a tramp, and the characters he met. Davis is classified as a Georgian Poet, however much of his writing is not typical of the group in style and theme

Classic (Weekend Writing Prompt)

Inspired by and written for the Weekend Writing Prompt, my thanks to Sammi

Form: Free Verse

Quintessential examples of type
Shine out in the galleries of art
Models of times gone by or
Of the new age
What was, what is now,
And what could be exemplified
For all to see
Mythologies of ancient Greeks retold
In reflections of futures yet to be seen
Opening the mind so it can see
What if

Word count: 57
