Ballroom (Ragtag Daily Prompt)

Inspired by and written for the Ragtag Daily Prompt, my thanks to Martha Kennedy

Form: The Blitz

Shadows tango on the walls of the underground
Shadows keeping the beat for two
Two souls dancing tango-time
Two finding their rhythm in the stars
Stars leading her feet around blackholes
Stars applauding as she spins
Spins in my arms
Spins whilst Mars holds my left foot
Footsteps choreographed by the heart
Footwork dancing in the flames
Flames remembering their parts
Flames tango just the same
Same dance every Saturday night
Same two dancing before taking tea
Tea for two our tradition
Tea recalling the sadness of truth
Truth is I wish you were here
Truth is I can’t dance without you
You who made my world complete
You gave rhythm to my soul
Souls longing to unite as one
Souls that tango the universe
Universe of love that gave us the music
Universe of stars our own dance floor
Floor the base to begin
Floor left behind as we searched the sky
Sky glistens stars as clouds parted
Skies full of silence now the music has gone
Gone without music there is no dance
Gone the tango cannot dance alone
Alone while our souls dance as shadows
Alone they are dancing in the dark
Dark silhouettes tango on the walls
Darkness surrounding my heart without sound
Sounds of the rhythm I cannot forget
Sounds of memories I’ll always hold near
Near to my heart I feel you there
Nearby as you patiently wait
Waiting for the time to pass
Waiting to tango the night again
Again I remember dancing all night
Again I hunger for our music
Music of sweet desire
Music that speaks the tango talk
Talking of the future do you remember
Talking softly as we danced
Danced in my dreams of the universe
Danced our music the tango of love
