French Canadian Sonnet Notes

A Garret Poet

French Canadian Sonnet Notes

Created by: Jose Rizal M Reyes
Structure: Two quatrains, a couplet, and a quatrain
Meter: Decasyllabic and pentameter
Rhyme Scheme: abba cddc ee fggf


Cernunnos Rising by JezzieG

The sounds of morning echo from outside
As the sun awakens to the birdsong
And at last, the days are now getting long
For the days of spring can don’t need to hide

And though it may be warm or may be cold
As the winter battles to stay around
With stormy winds and rain upon the ground
The spring sunshine days are getting too bold

The sun, he rises calling his blue skies
His warmth spreading where the winter defies

But there’s no stopping it, the wheel must turn
Although the winter fights for all its worth
The new life is welcomed by Mother Earth
Cernunnos reborn, winter must adjourn