Just Another Star by Karl Jenkins

Karl Jenkins 1944-

Just Another Star

Karl Jenkins
Jazz, Rock, Classical
Born: 17 February 1944, Gower, Wales
Nationality: Welsh

Jenkins is a composer and multi-instrumentalist. His best-known works include the song “Adiemus.” Educated at Cardiff University and the Royal Academy of Music Jenkins joined the jazz band Soft Machine in 1972. He became the group’s leading songwriter and worked with them until 1984. Jenkins has written music for TV ad campaigns and has won the industry prize twice

First and Last

First and Last
Form: Epistle Sonnet 13

I remember our love every day
Recalling the ways you’d make me feel it
“I love you,” the first and last thing I say
In the moon rise and under the sun’s ray
Through storms until the last drops are falling
From this loving you I can never quit
So many words now seem left unspoken
But I believe this letter you will see
As I go through this world my heart broken
I will not sit here crying and bawling
For in the senses you left awoken
Our love has become my honoured calling
Throughout time my devoted destiny
Always, your love, our love echoes in me


The End (NaPoMo 30)

The End
Form: Epistle Sonnet 30 – aba baedc cdcd ee
Theme: Love Subject: Ice Cream

And you thought I was just losing my grip
My sanity falling over the edge
Surely this challenge was going to trip
Me up and send me reeling off the ledge
Almost, some prompts made my mind spin and slip
The pen kept finding its creative bend
Not this time, Muse I swear I heard it scream
Curving its way round all those words absurd
We’re here at the last, and breaking the cord
Pen weary, my mind like melted ice cream
All for the love of the poetic word
A cycle of sonnets no more a dream
Through thirty days the lines and verse commend
NaPoMo begun, here it too will end


Spice (RDP)

Inspired by and written for the Word of the Day Challenge – with thanks to Cyranny

Definition: Spice – n. an aromatic or pungent vegetable substance used to flavour food, e.g. cloves, pepper, or cumin

Form: Cheuh-chu

aromas that tease
on the evening breeze
to welcome me home
as I find my keys
I’m hungry for you
desire to appease
as your kiss whispers
curry? oh yes, please


NaPoMo Classic Poetry Day 30 – The Icing Hand by Tony Harrison

Tony Harrison 1937-

The Icing Hand

That they lasted only till the next high tide
bothered me, not him whose labour was to make
sugar lattices demolished when the bride,
with help from her groom’s hand, first cut the cake.

His icing hand, gritty with sandgrains, guides
my pen when I try shaping memories of him
and his eyes scan with mine those rising tides
neither father nor his son could hope to swim.

His eyes stayed dry while I, the kid, would weep
to watch the castle that had taken us all day
to build and deck decay, one wave-surge sweep
our winkle-stuccoed edifice away.

Remembrance like ice cake crumbs in the throat,
remembrance like windblown Blackpool brine
overfills the poem’s shallow moat
and first, ebbing, salts, then, flowing floods this line.

Sunday Sonnet – Remember Me by Christina Georgina Rossetti

Christina Georgina Rossetti 1830-1894

Remember Me

Remember me when I am gone away,
Gone far away into the silent land;
When you can no more hold me by the hand,
Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay.
Remember me when no more day by day
You tell of our future that you planned:
Only remember me; you understand
It will be late to counsel then or pray.
Yet if you should forget me for a while
And afterwards remember, do not grieve;
For if the darkness and corruption leave
A vestige of the thoughts that once I had,
Better by far you should forget and smile
Than that you should remember and be sad

Fade into Distance

A Garret Poet

Fade into Distance
Form: Quaintrelle

Alone, embracing darkness I remain,
from lonely seat
the dancing feet
recall the beat
of nights I learned love’s pain.

We danced the tango neath the moonlit night
my love and I
no words to sigh
or even cry
as music took our flight.

We wed in June and love was ours alone,
before war’s call
that very Fall
and I recall
a child I’ve never known.

And from behind the veil I watch her dance
a rhythmic swirl
towards the girl
with bonnie curl
and fade into distance


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