Haiku by Jack Kerouac

Jack Kerouac 1922-1969


The low yellow
moon above the
Quiet lamplit house

Jack Kerouac
Born: 12 March 1922, Massachusetts, USA
Nationality: American
Died: 21 October 1969, Florida, USA

Kerouac was a novelist and poet who, with William S. Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg, was a pioneer of the Beat Generation. Kerouac, recognised for his spontaneous prose, covering topics such as Catholic spirituality, jazz, promiscuity, travel, New York life, drugs, and poverty, Along with other Beats he was a progenitor of the hippie movement although he was antagonistic towards some of its more radical politics

Love Incomplete

Love Incomplete
Form: Spanish Sonnet 2

An old song on playing remembers it all
Of falling in love, but always incomplete
As you cried your tears that I could never meet
But I would hold you until he came to call
All those weeks and months he was having a ball
As he left you behind with nothing so sweet
But I’d comfort you with no thought of retreat
As my heart had already begun to fall
In love with you; knowing you never loved me
You just wanted somewhere to cry it all out
So you let me believe our loving could be
But still, in your heart, you could never be free
And I knew that without a shadow of doubt
Cruel love blinded me so I could not see


Crystals – Sapphire


With corundum as a base mineral, sapphires are in close relation to the ruby with an iron pigment making it blue. Corundum gemstones are the second hardest of precious stones. In fact, sapphire has a range of colours, from blue to yellow to green to orange-pink.

Sapphires are mined from alluvial deposits, primarily in the USA, Australia, Thailand, China, Kenya, India, and Nigeria.

Sapphire is a stone of wisdom and knowledge and stimulates concentration, and creativity whilst promoting purity and deep thinking. It focuses and calms the mind removing unwanted thoughts, depression, and mental tension. Sapphire is the stone of new love and commitment and is useful in encouraging loyalty and faithfulness. It also brings peace of mind, serenity, and prosperity.

The sapphire is connected with the third eye and throat chakras where energy imbalances cause sore throats, headaches, and nightmare.

Affirmation: I can depend on my inner-knowing to guide me through every situation

In love and light
Raven )O(

Hard Hearted Woman by Barclay James Harvest

Barclay James Harvest

Hard Hearted Woman
Album: Gone to Earth
Date: 1977
Genre: Rock
Artist: Barclay James Harvest

Founded in 1966, Barclay James Harvest is a progressive rock band. The original lineup consisted of Les Holroyd (bassist/vocalist), John Lees (guitarist/vocalist), Mel Pritchard (drummer/percussionist 1948-2004, and Stuart Wolstenholme (keyboardist/vocalist) 1947-2010.

Travelling Home (NaPoMo 3)

Travelling Home
Form: Epistle Sonnet 3 – aba abdce cdcd ee
Theme: Love: Subject: Wordsearch

A Deco fork from the sale by the lake
For a Bakewell tart with my cup of tea
On a long journey a much welcome break
This travelling by train can be an ache
Looking out windows with nothing to see
The views are a blur when going so fast
With a clickety click I read my book
Or do a puzzle with the freebie pen
While circling words I’ve found the pink ink shook
Another train whistles while rattling past
But I’m that engrossed I don’t even look
And the final word I’ve found it at last
A wordsearch or two in a sort of Zen
And I’ll soon be back at my mum’s again


NaPoMo Classic Poetry Day 3 – From The Flower by George Herbert

George Herbert 1593-1633

From The Flower

How fresh, O Lord, how sweet and clean
Are Thy returns! even as the flowers in Spring,
To which, besides their own demean,
The late-past frosts tributes of pleasure bring;
Grief melts away
Like snow in May,
As if there was no such cold thing.

Who would have thought my shrivelled heart
Could have recovered greenness? It was gone
Quite underground; as flowers depart
To see their mother-root, when they have blown,
Where they together
All the hard weather,
Dead to the world, keep house unknown.

And now in age I bud again,
After so many deaths I live and write;
I once more smell the dew and rain,
And relish versing, O, my only Light,
It cannot be
That I am he
On whom my tempests fell all night