Samson and Delilah by Anthony van Dyck

Samson and Delilah by Anthony van Dyck

Samson and Delilah
Baroque, Dutch Golden Age
Oil on canvas
Collection of Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria

“Samson and Delilah” depicts Old Testament mythology the moment after Samson has been betrayed. A barely clothed Samson struggles to resist the soldiers taking him to his death. Van Dyck captures the climax of the story with Samson’s agony racked on his face and the contortions of his body. Delilah is shown as a woman in conflict regretting her decision to betray her lover.

Anthony van Dyck

Anthony van Dyck
Baroque, Dutch Golden Age, Grand Manner Portraiture
Born: 22 March 1599, Antwerp, Belgium
Nationality: Flemish
Died: 9 December 1641, London, England

Van Dyck was a Baroque artist and was a leading painter in the court of England. He began painting at an early age and was a successful independent artist by his late teens becoming a master in the Antwerp guild in 1618. At this time Van Dyck was working with Peter Paul Rubens, a leading northern painter of the day.

Jesus He Knows Me by Genesis

Jesus He Knows Me
Album: We Can’t Dance
Date: 1991
Genre: Pop
Artist: Genesis


Formed at Charterhouse School in Surrey, UK, in 1967 Genesis’ most successful line-up includes Tony Banks (keyboards), Mike Rutherford (bassist/guitarist), and Phil Collins (drummer/singer). In the 1970s when the line-up included Peter Gabriel (singer) Genesis was among the pioneering groups of progressive rock.

America by Tatiana Troyanos


Tatiana Troyanos
Born: 12 September 1938, New York, USA
Nationality: American
Died: 21 August 1993, New York, USA

Tatiana Troyanos

Troyanos was a mezzo-soprano and remembered as one of the defining singers of her generation. Her performances covered the full range of operatic history in a career covering three decades. Troyanos was renowned for her work with the Metropolitan Opera with more than 270 performances covering twenty-two major roles.

Thoughts In Childhood

Thoughts In Childhood
Form: Cross Sonnet 2

Those childhood toys now recalled as I write
They made me dream and listen without noise
Settling my thoughts all through the night
I drifted to sleep with those childhood toys
Those shelves of books reciting fairy tales
All ordered in line to the steel coat hooks
Adventures released my mind on full sails
Imagination in those shelves of books
So much time passed long since my days of youth
And my heart still feels that fantastic mast
Guiding fiction as it mingles with truth
It’s easy to forget so much time passed
But as the black ink remembers it all
My aging mind begins it sweet recall
