World We Made

World We Made
Form: Epistle Sonnet 45

Reality’s gone and memories remain
To keep me alive until forever
Recalling the good times to keep me sane

The bad times drift away into never
No longer part of the world that we made
A world where our souls eternally dwell
Apart, together, love shall always reign
The pureness of love has no evil intent

On the days I think that living is hell
I let my tears flow to my heart’s lament
For our love still has its secrets to tell
In all the memories where I am content

Through all of time, it grows never to fade
Just you and me, here where our love has stayed


I Go to Sleep by The Pretenders

The Pretenders

I Go to Sleep
Album: Pretenders
Date: 1980
Genre: Rock
Artist: The Pretenders

The Pretenders are a rock band formed in 1978. Originally consisting of Chrissie Hynde (songwriter, lead vocals, rhythm guitar), James Honeyman Scott (lead guitar, backing vocals, keyboards), Peter Farndon (bass guitar, backing vocals), and Martin Chambers (drums, backing vocals, keyboards). Following the deaths of Honeyman Scott (1982) and Farndon (1983) the band has experienced numerous personnel changes with Hynde being the band’s only consistent member

Battle of Britain by Paul Nash

Battle of Britain by Paul Nash

Battle of Britain
Oil on canvas
Imperial War Museums, UK

Nash painted ‘Battle of Britain’ during the battle itself capturing the parched countryside and the trails of airplanes in the sky, both those still flying and those falling and burning. The Luftwaffe is shown advancing in formation whilst RAF aircraft break up these forces in the centre of the painting.

Paul Nash 1889-1946

Paul Nash
Born: 11 May 1889, London, England
Nationality: British
Died: 11 July 1946, Bournemouth, England

Nash was a surrealist painter, war artist, photographer, writer, and designer of applied art. Among the most important landscape artists of the first half of the 20th century, Nash played an important role in the evolution of Modernism in English art

Desert Rose by John Tesh

John Tesh 1952-

Desert Rose
Popular Music

John Tesh
New Age, Jazz, Popular Music
Born: 9 July 1952, New York, USA
Nationality: American

Tesh is a pianist, composer, radio host, and TV presenter. He composed the NBA basketball theme for NBC

Mack The Knife by Bertolt Brecht

Bertolt Brecht 1898-1956

Mack The Knife

Oh, the shark has pretty teeth, dear
And he shows them pearly white.
Just a jack knife has Macheath, dear
And he keeps it out of sight.

When the shark bites with his teeth, dear
Scarlet billows start to spread.
Fancy gloves, though, wears Macheath, dear
So there’s not a trace of red.

On the side-walk Sunday morning
Lies a body oozing life;
Someone’s sneaking ’round the corner.
Is that someone Mack the Knife?

From a tugboat by the river
A cement bag’s dropping down;
The cement’s just for the weight, dear.
Bet you Mackie’s back in town.

Louie Miller disappeared, dear
After drawing out his cash;
And Macheath spends like a sailor.
Did our boy do something rash?

Sukey Tawdry, Jenny Diver,
Polly Peachum, Lucy Brown
Oh, the line forms on the right, dear
Now that Mackie’s back in town

Bertolt Brecht
Born: 10 February 1898, Augsburg, Germany
Nationality: German
Died: 14 August 1956, East Berlin, East Germany

Brecht was a theatre practitioner, playwright, and poet. He had his first successes as a playwright in Munich during the Weimar Republic and moved to Berlin in 1924. During his time in Berlin, he wrote “The Threepenny Opera” with Kurt Weill and began a life-long collaboration with the composer Hanns Eisler

Syrup (Ragtag Daily Prompt)

Inspired by and written for the Ragtag Daily Prompt, my thanks to Curious Cat

Form: The Blitz

Don’t hide behind spicy nice
Don’t sugar coat the truth
Truth isn’t always diplomatic
Truth is saying it as it stands
Standing still looking inwards
Stand there waiting for love
Love is not mine to give you
Love is misleading your eyes
Eyes with rose-tinted lenses
Eyes seeing only sugar sweet
Sweet and viscous liquid flowing
Sweet trails over everything
Everything will work out fine if
Everything goes only your way
Way out there isn’t one but there is
Way out and I’m taking it now
Now you want love served on a golden plate
Now isn’t the dream of yesterday
Yesterday I said this before
Yesterday and for days before I said that
That I know what you want me to say
That you want I love you to slip
Slip from my lips as if I meant it
Slipping into your world of make-believe
Believe that I will never say them
Believe now that is sweet honesty
Honesty is given freely
Honesty that I give as a friend
Friendship is all there is
Friends but it isn’t enough
Enough to make your dreams come true
Enough of this look elsewhere
Elsewhere the world is sugar-coated
Elsewhere all those dreams wait
Waiting for you to come along
Waiting for love to take its chance
Chances are it is out there but no
Chance that feeling of passion is here
Here where my soul is already dancing
Here where my heart is taken by her
Her who has made love no contest
Her sugar sweet that coats my dreams
Dreams of love I don’t blame you
Dreams herald the heart to want
Want you won’t always get
Want in the power of desire
Desire is that which I can’t speak of
Desire this conversation to end


One Day… (Weekly Prompts the One Day Challenge)

Inspired by and written for the Weekly Prompts the One Day Challenge, my thanks to Sue and Gerry

Form: Cyhydedd Naw Ban

‘One day only’ in faded-out black
All great bargains from front to back

It’s the same story every day
Dragging people into the display
The sign says the same as yesterday
So many years it has been this way

Don’t matter what the day of the week
The same old sign continues to speak

In the centre of town just past the bend
A One Day sale that will never end


Ideal Home (Simply 6 Minutes)

Inspired by and written for Simply 6 Minutes, my thanks to Christine

Form: Ivorian Sonnet

In my dreams I built me a house of stone
In the valley where the fair winds have blown

Between the mountains that stand tall and grand
And wild beasts and creatures all come to play
And fluffy clouds drift the skies of dreamland

To dwell in harmony with nature’s sound
In this haven space at my very core
Is my tranquil spot is where peace is found
Where I can live and be free to explore

Enlightenment unfolds my soul is grown
As within nature’s loving arms I stand
In her breath I feel peace flowing my way
As she whispers from deep beneath the ground
In this perfect place, why would I ask more?

Time: 7 minutes 20 seconds

Word Count: 116


Ballroom (Ragtag Daily Prompt)

Inspired by and written for the Ragtag Daily Prompt, my thanks to Martha Kennedy

Form: The Blitz

Shadows tango on the walls of the underground
Shadows keeping the beat for two
Two souls dancing tango-time
Two finding their rhythm in the stars
Stars leading her feet around blackholes
Stars applauding as she spins
Spins in my arms
Spins whilst Mars holds my left foot
Footsteps choreographed by the heart
Footwork dancing in the flames
Flames remembering their parts
Flames tango just the same
Same dance every Saturday night
Same two dancing before taking tea
Tea for two our tradition
Tea recalling the sadness of truth
Truth is I wish you were here
Truth is I can’t dance without you
You who made my world complete
You gave rhythm to my soul
Souls longing to unite as one
Souls that tango the universe
Universe of love that gave us the music
Universe of stars our own dance floor
Floor the base to begin
Floor left behind as we searched the sky
Sky glistens stars as clouds parted
Skies full of silence now the music has gone
Gone without music there is no dance
Gone the tango cannot dance alone
Alone while our souls dance as shadows
Alone they are dancing in the dark
Dark silhouettes tango on the walls
Darkness surrounding my heart without sound
Sounds of the rhythm I cannot forget
Sounds of memories I’ll always hold near
Near to my heart I feel you there
Nearby as you patiently wait
Waiting for the time to pass
Waiting to tango the night again
Again I remember dancing all night
Again I hunger for our music
Music of sweet desire
Music that speaks the tango talk
Talking of the future do you remember
Talking softly as we danced
Danced in my dreams of the universe
Danced our music the tango of love
