Dancing Girls by Nik Kershaw

Nik Kershaw

Dancing Girls
Album: Human Racing
Date: 1984
Genre: Pop
Artist: Nik Kershaw

Nik Kershaw is a singer-songwriter, musician, and record producer. As a solo artist, he came to prominence in the 1980s with singles such as ‘Wouldn’t It Be Good,’ and ‘I Won’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me.’

Self Portrait by Zeng Fanzhi

Self Portrait by Zeng Fanzhi

Self Portrait
Oil on canvas
Private Collection

In his second self-portrait, Zeng presents an image of himself against a golden-yellow background. He stands in front of faded Chinese writing with smashed watermelons strewn around him. He is wearing Western-style clothing with a red neckerchief symbolizing communist China.

Zeng Fanzhi 1964-

Zeng Fanzhi
Born: 1964, Wuhan, China
Nationality: Chinese

Zeng Fanzhi is a contemporary artist based in Beijing. From his early career, his work has been marked by their emotional directness, the intuitive psychological sense of the artist, and the carefully crafted expressionism of his technique. Zeng moved to Beijing in the early 1990s, and his art showed an instant shift, as a reaction to his immersion in a superficial environment, his influential Mask series displayed the tensions between the artist’s concerns of existentialism and a sardonic treatment of the pomposity and posturing of his new urban life. Zeng’s expressionistic styles run counter to the conventional usage, representing the raw, exposed flesh or awkwardly oversized hands is not an attempt at pure expressions of emotion but a play on the superficially composed appearance of the subject, an ironic emotional performance metaphorizing the lost self, of stunted self-awareness

Violin Fantasy on Puccini’s ‘Turandot’ by Vanessa Mae

Vanessa Mae 1978-

Violin Fantasy on Puccini’s ‘Turandot’
New Age

Vanessa Mae
Classical, Classical Pop
Born: 27 October 1978, Singapore
Nationality: Thai-British

Mae is a violinist and has achieved album sales reaching several million, and in 2006 she was the wealthiest entertainer under 30. Mae also competed under the name Vanessa Vanakorn for Thailand in the 2014 Winter Olympics alpine skiing

Risk by Anais Nin

Anais Nin 1903-1977


And then the day came,
when the risk
to remain tight
in a bud
was more painful
than the risk
it took
to Blossom

Anais Nin
Born: 21 February 1903, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France
Nationality: French-American
Died: 14 January 1977, California, USA

Nin was a diarist, essayist, novelist, and poet. She spent her early years in Spain and Cuba, then lived in Paris, France before moving to the USA where she spent the remainder of her life

Darkest Sight

Darkest Sight
Form: Gwawdodyn

A journey begun with lost belief
The death of light in darkness and grief
Like a sharpened blade old truth could only fade
But from its end, I found sweet relief

I watched pious teachings turn to ash
I saw so many sweet angels crash
On the ground as lies of heaven, they found
The pain inside my soul like whiplash

I felt alone like a man bereaved
My heart broken; I had been deceived
In this darkest sight, I saw a new light
Of how my own truth could be achieved


Twinkling (Ragtag Daily Prompt)

Inspired by and written for the Ragtag Daily Prompt, my thanks to Curious Cat

Form: Barzeletta

My eyes gaze upon the night sky
To the little stars sparkle by
Bringing the night its magic dreams
That come alive in lunar beams

A sparkle from light-years away
Yet its beauty is shining bright
A distant sub we see at night
As to its worlds, it brings the day

The light I see is an old one
From a time that is long gone
I wonder if it’s still out there
But for now, it is mine to share

A sparkle from light-years away
Yet its beauty is shining bright
A distant sub we see at night
As to its worlds, it brings the day
