On Giving by Robert Graves

Robert Graves 1895-1985

On Giving

Those who dare give nothing
Are left with less than nothing;
Dear heart, you give me everything,
Which leaves you more than everything-
Though those who dare give nothing
Might judge it left you less than nothing.

Giving you everything,
I too, who once had nothing,
Am left with more than everything
As gifts for those with nothing
Who need, if not our everything,
At least a loving something

Robert Graves
Born: 18 July 1895, London, England
Nationality: English
Died: 7 December 1985, Deià, Spain

Graves was a poet, historical novelist, and critic. His father was the Irish poet Alfred Perceval Graves and both were Celticists and students of Irish mythology. Graves produced over 140 works in his lifetime. His poems, translations and innovative analysis of Greek mythology, memoirs, and his study of poetic inspiration “The White Goddess” have never been out of print