A Timelessness #2 by Perle Fine

A Timelessness by Perle Fine

A Timelessness
Oil on canvas

‘A Timelessness #2’ was a part of Fine’s Accordments series begun in the early 1970s. Employing vertical and horizontal lines she created a mesmerizing grid in shades of yellow and white. Filled with light the painting emanates a quietness. With the Accordment paintings Fine’s interest in nature, movement, and repetition created a presence of sublime awe.

Perle Fine 1905-1988

Perle Fine
Abstract Expressionism
Born: 1905, Massachusetts, USA
Nationality: American
Died: 31 May 1988, New York, USA

Fine was an abstract expressionist painter best known for her work combining fluid and brushy rendering of materials and the use of biomorphic forms within irregular geometrical shapes

Der Freischütz by Carl Maria Von Weber

Carl Maria von Weber 1786-1826

Der Freischütz

Carl Maria Von Weber
Romantic, Opera
Born: 18 November 1786, Eutin, Germany
Nationality: German
Died: 5 June 1826, London, UK

Von Weber was a composer, conductor, virtuoso pianist, guitarist, and critic of the Romantic era. He is best known for his operas and was a pioneer of the German Romantsche Oper

Midnight by Louise Gluck

Louise Glück 1943-


Speak to me, aching heart: what
Ridiculous errand are you inventing for yourself
Weeping in the dark garage
With your sack of garbage: it is not your job
To take out the garbage, it is your job
To empty the dishwasher. You are showing off
Exactly as you did in childhood–where
Is your sporting side, your famous
Ironic detachment? A little moonlight hits
The broken window, a little summer moonlight,
Murmurs from the earth with its ready
Is this the way you communicate
With your husband, not answering
When he calls, or is this the way the heart
Behaves when it grieves: it wants to be
Alone with the garbage? If I were you,
I’d think ahead. After fifteen years,
His voice could be getting tired; some night
If you don’t answer, someone else will answer

Louise Gluck
Born: 22 April 1943, New York, USA
Nationality: American

Glück is a poet, essayist, and winner of the 2020 Nobel Prize for Literature. While in high school she suffered from anorexia nervosa and later overcame the illness. Often described as autobiographical poet Glück’s work is best known for its emotional intensity and for drawing on mythology or nature to reflect modern life

Heaven by The Psycheldelic Furs

The Psychedelic Furs

Album: Mirror Moves
Date: 1984
Genre: Alternative/Indie
Artist: The Psycheldelic Furs

The Psychedelic Furs are a rock band formed in 1977 in London, UK. Led by brothers Richard Butler (vocalist) and Tim Butler (bass guitarist) the Furs are one of the bands spawned from the British post-punk scene with their music spanning several phases from an austere art rock sound to new wave and hard rock