Into the World There Came a Soul Called Ida by Ivan Albright

Into the World There Came a Soul Called Ida by Ivan Albright

Into the World There Came a Soul Called Ida
Magic Realism
Oil on canvas
The Art Institute of Chicago, USA

‘Into the World There Came a Soul Called Ida’ features Albright’s most famous figure, Ida Rogers. A nineteen-year-old mother answered Albright’s advertisement for a live model. The portrait was the first work to be painted at his newly built studio in Warrenville.

Ivan Albright 1897-1983

Ivan Albright
Magic Realism, American Realism
Born: 20 February1897, Illinois, USA
Nationality: American
Died: 18 November 1983, Vermont, USA

Albright was a painter, printmaker, and sculptor best known for his self-portraits, still lifes, and character studies. Considered to be the master of the macabre Albright is often categorized among the Magic Realists due to his techniques and dark subject matter

Catwoman by Michael Giacchino

Michael Giacchino 1967-

Film and TV

Michael Giacchino
Film and TV, Contemporary Classical, Jazz
Born: 10 October 1967, New Jersey, USA
Nationality: American

Giacchino is a composer of music for film, TV, and video games. He is the recipient of many accolades for his work including an Oscar for ‘Up’ (2009), and an Emmy for Lost’ (2004).

Middle Aged Lovers, II by Erica Jong

Erica Jong 1942-

Middle Aged Lovers, II

You open to me
a little,
then grow afraid
and close again,
a small boy
fearing to be hurt,
a toe stubbed
in the dark,
a finger cut
on paper.

I think I am free
of fears,
enraptured, abandoned
to the call
of the Bacchae,
my own siren,
tied to my own
both Circe
and her swine.

But I too
am afraid:
I know where
life leads.

The impulse
to join,
to confess all,
is followed
by the impulse
to renounce,

and love–
imperishable love–
must die,
in order
to be reborn.

We come
to each other
veterans of other
divorce warrants
in our hands
which we would beat
into blossoms.

But blossoms
will not withstand
our beatings.

We come
to each other
with hope
in our hands–
the very thing
Pandora kept
in her casket
when all the ills
and woes of the world

Erica Jong
Born: 26 March 1942, New York, USA
Nationality: American

Jong is a novelist, satirist, and poet particularly known for her novel “Fear of Flying” (1973). The book was famously controversial for its attitudes on female sexuality and became prominent in the development of second-wave feminism

Rainbow Curses

Rainbow Curses
Form: Free Verse

Listen to the whisper
The whispering curse of death
As it whistles into your room to define
The final moment
Before it swallows your soul
Like the wind breaking on the hills
That has scoured every valley
Searched every mountain
On its hunt for another kill
Another suffering breath to silence
Yet still you seek the rainbow
Your body no longer can heal
As your mind finally shuts down
For you time has halted, my friend
For those tired rainbows
Are just an illusion


He Was Really Sayin’ Somethin’ by Bananarama


He Was Really Sayin’ Somethin’
Album: Deep Sea Skiving
Date: 1983
Genre: Pop
Artist: Bananarama

Bananarama is a girl group formed in London in 1980. They were originally a trio consisting of Sara Dallin, Siobhan Fahey, and Keren Woodward. Fahey left in 1988 and was replaced by Jacquie O’Sullivan until 1991 when the trio became a duo

Thrive (Ovi Poetry Challenge)

Inspired by and written for the Ovi Poetry Challenge, with thanks to Ronovan

Despite several attempts to work with the Ovi and another four-liner stanza form, the Ae Freslighe, I have to admit defeat and say it can’t be done without one breaking the parameters of the other. However, I will honour the Ae Freslighe by using a dunadh.

Form: Ovi

Basic instinct to survive
When feelings take a nosedive
To hold on and stay alive
It seems impossible

A ladder, a shaft of light
From nowhere breaks this night
Could it be it’s alright?
Grab it and escape

Let it balance out the pain
Like sunshine after the rain
It’s okay to smile again
This instinct to live, so basic


Shape (Ragtag Daily Prompt)

Inspired by and written for the Ragtag Daily Prompt, my thanks to Tracy

Form: Ae Freslighe

Curving line in formation
With creative thoughts released
The canvas their location
Imagination increased

Dreams and senses educate
Deep in the realms sub-conscious
As inner thinkings activate
So awareness can discuss

From the walls of galleries
They tingle in ways nerving
Creation burns calories
As, once straight lines, start curving


Intuition (Weekly Prompts Wednesday Challenge)

Inspired by and written for the Weekly Prompts Wednesday Challenge, my thanks to Gerry and Sue

Form: Cross Sonnet Cross Sonnet 1

A little voice spoke from within
Firm words as if grasping my chin
Advising on matters of choice
Spirit speaks in a little voice

My mind confused, what’s the best
Is my heart ready for the test
Or will I again be bemused
The pain too real, my mind confused

Please guide me now, oh, little voice
I long to feel my heart rejoice
But I cannot find the way how
So little voice, please guide me now

Not hearing you my guilty crime
I promise to listen this time
