Talking to the Trees – Alder

Fearn (F), the Alder tree, is the third tree of the Ogham

Alder Energy

Fearn is symbolic of the energies of fire and water, activity and receptivity, balance, preservation, and inner confidence.

Like the rowan, the alder has protective qualities but is more the protection of a spiritual warrior going bold forth to face the unknown. Alder assists in the taking up of challenges, new situations, and facing things that have previously been avoided.

It has a balanced with the fire of the masculine direct approach and water, feminine and receptive.

Talking to Fearn

Using whatever ritual practice, intuitive means or simply being with the tree do so with an openness ready to receive the tree’s wisdom and healing vibrations. Ask for guidance and help from the tree to develop your powers of psychic intuition and insight that will lead to a quickening of personal and spiritual power and understanding.

When the time comes to end the communication do so slowly and with gratitude for what the tree may have given you. Keep a record of your feelings and communication with the tree, and let the relationship develop.

In love and light
Raven )O(

Fair And Unfair by Robert Francis

Fair And Unfair

The beautiful is fair. The just is fair.
Yet one is commonplace and one is rare,
One everywhere, one scarcely anywhere.

So fair unfair a world. Had we the wit
To use the surplus for the deficit,
We’d make a fairer fairer world of it

Robert Francis

Robert Francis
Born: 12 August 1901, Pennsylvania, USA
Nationality: American
Died: 13 July 1987, Massachusetts, USA

Francis was a poet best known for his classic work ‘The Pitcher’ that demonstrates how physical activity is not only acting on the environment but is an interactive communication with all the elements of it. Francis lived most of his life in Amherst, Massachusetts, USA.


Form: Italian Sonnet

The turning hands on clocks will never heal,
my soul lies scarred and bleeding without you.
I feel you here and tears now blur my view,
my heart is lost the visions are too real.
A love so brief gave reason I should be,
and death that dreadful lie tore it away
My sun has set there'll be no other day
but in this moonlit dance we can be free.
Defying fate to drop the veil of night,
too soon to leave this life of hate and fear
I need you, darling once more hold me near,
and fill my life with love's anointing light.
I wait alone in this, my living hell
for you, my love, my darling Gabrielle


Starlight and Chocolate

Starlight and Chocolate
Form: Raven’s Rovi Sonnet 33
Theme: Love
Subject: In a chocolate box

The glint of sunshine on her bling distracts
Just briefly from the sparkle in her eye
Yet it is that sparkle that interacts
With my drifting thoughts as I work and play
For her eyes shimmer like the blessed starlight
To awaken my soul throughout the day
Like decadent guidance on a dark night
As her eyes speak before her lips can sigh
Of the love only the silence can say
The glint of her bling has long left my sight
As no bling can match the joy of love’s facts
When the heart mingles with echoes and dreams
As kisses taste of soft strawberry creams
And emotions flow like cascading streams


Lunar Love

A Garret Poet

Lunar Love
Form: Sestina

Art thou pale for weariness
Of climbing Heaven, and gazing on the earth,
Wandering companionless
Among the stars that have a different birth,–
And ever changing, like a joyless eye
That finds no object worth its constancy?

PB Shelley

When I gaze upon thy silver beauty,
My heart rejoices in thy love,
Ever changing, always the same - Lady moon,
I see your smile caress the Earth with hope
Among the stars and all that is divine
In thy hands lies the future.

In your radiance I seek the future,
As in the crystals I look for beauty,
While asking questions of the divine
Embraced by thy unending love,
My destiny is blessed with hope
And again, I gaze upon the moon.

My Lady, revealed within the moon,
Through times past, now and the future,
In our darkness thou brings’t hope
As winter’s nights are…

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