The Pennycandystore Beyond The El by Lawrence Ferlinghetti

The Pennycandystore Beyond The El

The pennycandystore beyond the El
is where I first
fell in love
with unreality
Jellybeans glowed in the semi-gloom
of that september afternoon
A cat upon the counter moved along
the licorice sticks
and tootsie rolls
and Oh Boy Gum

Outside the leaves were falling as they died

A wind had blown away the sun

A girl ran in
Her hair was rainy
Her breasts were breathless in the little room

Outside the leaves were falling
and they cried
Too soon! too soon!

Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Born: 24 March 1919, New York, USA
Nationality: American
Died: 22 February 2021, California, USA

Ferlinghetti is a poet, socialist activist, painter and co-founder of Lights Booksellers and Publishers. He is best known for his collection of poems, A Coney Island of the Mind which has sold more than a million copies in nine different languages. In March 2019 he celebrated his 100th birthday and the city of San Francisco has proclaimed his birthday 24 March as Lawrence Ferlinghetti Day (as indeed it should be).