Trudge (Ragtag Daily Prompt)

Inspired by and written for the Ragtag Daily Prompt, my thanks to Martha Kennedy

Form: Deplorable Sonnet

As my eyes see a prompt in a brief glance
Then blink ‘Oh poet you haven’t a chance’
Clicking the link in the mail, find balance
Dragging thoughts out of my brain is a test

Let the word roll free and explore the form
Sipping black coffee as that is my norm
Begin jotting notes down from the brainstorm
Dragging thoughts out of my brain is a test

A habit of writing to start my day
Let the words free, letting them out to play

That makes it sound an easy thing to do
And frankly my dear, easy is ne’er true
But thoughts oft entwine in my coffee brew
Dragging thoughts out of my brain is a test


Tough (Ragtag Daily Prompt)

Inspired by and written for the Ragtag Daily Prompt, my thanks to Punam

Form: Deplorable Sonnet

There are times when I have been caught off-guard
And the easy path has become so hard
Leaving my heart and soul battered and scarred
Some stages of this life are all uphill

The future isn’t always mine to see
When my eyes see what I desire to be
But fate dictates that isn’t right for me
Some stages of this life are all uphill

Yet there is no choice but the way ahead
The easy path, now a challenge instead

And with body and mind feeling the ache
It feels like my heart is about to break
In the end, it’s the worthy path to take
Some stages of this life are all uphill


Ragged (Ragtag Daily Prompt)

Inspired by and written for the Ragtag Daily Prompt, my thanks to Dr Kottaway

Form: Deplorable Sonnet

Those early days after it all came out
And everything seemed surrounded by doubt
And I had no voice left with which to shout
My old jeans still feel like my closest friend

Once darkest blue now they’re faded and pale
I recall when I bought them in a sale
And they have been there with me without fail
My old jeans still feel like my closest friend

Now in my wardrobe, they are hung with pride
For being there throughout, right by my side

I know frayed edges have seen better days
Faded and frayed like me in many ways
Getting old with memories in a haze
My old jeans still feel like my closest friend



Form: Epistle Sonnet 46

They shall not grow old so the poet said
As we take our spot, checking line and space
With eyes looking straight, and lifting the head

Remembrance and pride etched onto the face
For this time we can stand with grateful pride
Reflecting that in the way we stand tall
Regardless of service or old ranks held
We are here, standing proud, for them, instead

As from the silence comes the Last Post’s call
We think of the fields where young men were felled
For this, a ‘better world,’ they gave their all
Until the politicians were quelled

While in the bunkers, men of power hide
Remember the heroes of youth who died


From the Labyrinth

From the Labyrinth
Form: Raven’s Rovi Sonnet 107

Deep within the labyrinths of my mind
I have hidden my heart in a safe place
Without the walls of stone that’s too unkind

I do not seek love, that’s already mine
So have no need to turn my heart to stone
Always I’ll let my soul with hers entwine
Now I know I will never be alone

She is the someone who makes me feel whole
As I close my eyes to look at her face
And our love surges through every bone
To life’s temptations, her love turned me blind
And to my heart that will be just fine

For such a love my heart can but extol
As with her I so gladly share my soul


Fate Decreed

A Garret Poet

Fate Decreed
Form: Fourteener

I don’t question emotions when I look into your eyes
For there I find the beauty of truth and love in our soul
And I pay no heed to the heat of wanton lust-fuelled sighs
Of physical desire that can never make me feel whole
The hot panting breath that is only evidence of lust
Leaves the body sated but the mind is filled with dismay
But that is not love when the heart cannot offer no trust
Looking in the eyes of love, I don’t want to look away
I knew my heart was always yours from the first tender kiss
Entwining us as one as one kiss followed another
The wonder of our love revealing our destiny’s bliss
A destiny of joy forever ours to discover
As we share a soul for all eternity, you and me
Together in Nirvana as Fate has decreed it be


Love of the Roses

A Garret Poet

Love of the Roses
Form: Italian Sonnet

My lady’s eyes reflect the smiling night,
for where she walks the darkness cannot frown,
as she skips her feet through the autumn gown,
vibrant leaves swirling in her delight,
yet have no power to enchant my sight,
I think my pulsing heart was surely grown,
to love my lady from a distant town,
and bring our love’s dream to greater might.

But can the white and red live together,
or will old battles raise their ugly head,
the bitter feuds of ancestral pretense,
cannot defeat the strength of love’s tether
as hand in hand, we unwind passion’s thread,
and let our victory of hearts commence


The Tale of the Tail (Simply 6 Minutes)

Inspired by and written for Simply 6 Minutes, my thanks to Christine

Form: Jeffrey’s Sonnet

The eyes close as the clippers buzz
His hands create art in the fuzz
No more old-style short, back and side
Something new, who cares what they say
Make it clear I live it my way
He nods, and I let him decide

I’m not tied to the fitting in
Being different is no sin
All the same is a boring thing
Don’t make me a mirror to see
Ways I think you should also be
Do you, and I’ll do me with bling

Such old hat was the ponytail
It’s a fail, I’ll go with the rat

Time: 6 minutes

Word Count: 98


Sweet Dessert

Sweet Dessert
Form: Cymraeg Soned

Flavours mingle on my tongue
Hot and cold among the sweet fruit
For this dessert that I adore
I want some more that point is moot

Sweetest bite in crimson red
That bled in vanilla melt
Lick my lips as they begin
To grin joy my soul has felt

Don’t want custard poured on it
Don’t dollop it with the cream
Yes, please to a frozen scoop
My spoon swoops this pudding dream

For this dessert I’ll not grumble
My ice cream on cherry crumble


World We Made

World We Made
Form: Epistle Sonnet 45

Reality’s gone and memories remain
To keep me alive until forever
Recalling the good times to keep me sane

The bad times drift away into never
No longer part of the world that we made
A world where our souls eternally dwell
Apart, together, love shall always reign
The pureness of love has no evil intent

On the days I think that living is hell
I let my tears flow to my heart’s lament
For our love still has its secrets to tell
In all the memories where I am content

Through all of time, it grows never to fade
Just you and me, here where our love has stayed


Ideal Home (Simply 6 Minutes)

Inspired by and written for Simply 6 Minutes, my thanks to Christine

Form: Ivorian Sonnet

In my dreams I built me a house of stone
In the valley where the fair winds have blown

Between the mountains that stand tall and grand
And wild beasts and creatures all come to play
And fluffy clouds drift the skies of dreamland

To dwell in harmony with nature’s sound
In this haven space at my very core
Is my tranquil spot is where peace is found
Where I can live and be free to explore

Enlightenment unfolds my soul is grown
As within nature’s loving arms I stand
In her breath I feel peace flowing my way
As she whispers from deep beneath the ground
In this perfect place, why would I ask more?

Time: 7 minutes 20 seconds

Word Count: 116


Misted Windows

A Garret Poet

Misted Windows
Form: Elfmath Sonnet 2

I wish I could write to you about how
I feel and how much I am missing you
But my words can never explain the how
Because the world is empty without you

The silent rooms once filled by our laughter
Such silly things that left us in laughter
And the windows fogged up by our love’s mist
And without, somehow, the windows still mist

But I know it is the mist in my eyes
I cannot disguise all the salty tears
Such are the memories that bring my tears

Reminders of you that weep from my eyes
Memories of laughter behind windows
And memories of fogging up windows


Embracing Moonlight

Embracing Moonlight
Form: Raven’s Rovi Sonnet 106

Her arms embrace all of this chequered earth
Under the darkness of the midnight sky
In the east, she can see the dawn give birth

And in the west, she watches daytime fade
While from the clouded earth, I see her light
As I adapt to society’s charade
With the truth inside me kept out of sight

How I envy the stars that live my dreams
Glimmering each night from way up on high
Drift away from the rising sun’s parade
As my journey leads me into the night
To embrace the moonlight and share her mirth

Where my soul is free to dance in her beams
Into my soul, her love willingly streams


No Good for the Gander (Simply 6 Minutes)

Inspired by and written for Simply 6 Minutes, my thanks to Christine

Form: Italian Sonnet 6

I’m in here again, she says I messed up
Now she’s waiting armed with a rolling pin
I went to the pub for some beer to sup
And met with some old mates while at the inn
So I got in late and she’d waited up
Then went off on one as if it’s a sin
If I did that, she’d call me an old grouch
So she went to bed and I hit the couch

Next morning I cooked up bacon and eggs
‘I ain’t got time, I’m meeting the girls, and
You can hang out the washing, there’s the pegs’
She got home the next morning, acting grand
Moaning about my mates being the dregs
I’m in here again, I know where I stand

Time: 6 minutes 40 seconds

Word Count: 126


Guidance of Light

Guidance of Light
Form: Ivorian Sonnet 117

When lovers meet beneath a starry night
The stars watch awhile providing their light

But the moon and stars must travel through space
While we mere mortals can only stay here
Celestial beings through the night sky race

Once they were mortals living on the ground
They fell in love until their time moved by
Lovers together eternally bound
Drifting their own way across the night sky

The lovers who meet will soon fly up high
Traversing the sky and making no sound
Their destiny blessed with a loving grace
To share with lovers who meet in their sight
The guiding lights that sometimes feel so near


Late Again (Simply 6 Minutes)

Inspired by and written for Simply 6 Minutes, my thanks to Christine

Form: Italian Sonnet 5

Please wait for me as I am running late
I was dreaming nuts and missed the alarm
And staying up last night just tempted fate
I’m in a mad dash no time to be calm
I promised I’d be on time for our date
Like a gentleman with more graceful charm
I’m never early, always making haste
But this time I thought I’d try to be chaste

They gave me a watch to help me with time
It still sits neatly here in my pocket
‘You’ll be late for your funeral’ you said
But I can’t see that as being a crime
For that date, I won’t rush like a rocket
‘I’ll be my usual self then’ I said

Time: 7 minutes

Word Count: 119


Intuition (Weekly Prompts Wednesday Challenge)

Inspired by and written for the Weekly Prompts Wednesday Challenge, my thanks to Gerry and Sue

Form: Cross Sonnet Cross Sonnet 1

A little voice spoke from within
Firm words as if grasping my chin
Advising on matters of choice
Spirit speaks in a little voice

My mind confused, what’s the best
Is my heart ready for the test
Or will I again be bemused
The pain too real, my mind confused

Please guide me now, oh, little voice
I long to feel my heart rejoice
But I cannot find the way how
So little voice, please guide me now

Not hearing you my guilty crime
I promise to listen this time


Dreams Will Do

Dreams Will Do
Form: Epistle Sonnet 44

Each night I invite the realm of sweet sleep
So that my dreams can take over my mind
For I have a date with you I must keep

In dreams our loving meetings there to find
And I can while away my nights with you
Until the sunlight takes you far away
And the long hours of day so slowly creep
But I’ll not weep, nor will I take to fright

For these hours of light are just a delay
And time will pass slowly into the night
When you appear and, in my dreams, we play
We dance, make love as our passion’s delight

We’ll whisper of our love forever true
So that I know my dreams will see me through


Little Duck in Trouble (Simply 6 Minutes)

Inspired by and written for Simply 6 Minutes, my thanks to Christine

Form: Italian Sonnet 4

Mother duck quacked, and then she quacked some more
Her brood gathered except for little duck
He wanted to stay and have an explore
Mother said he was just pushing his luck
Twas late and she had to go to the store
Stay behind, she said, if you have the pluck
And little duck just stood and watched them go
He thought it was due time that he must grow

With a brave heart, he went into the wood
His feet carrying him away so far
Fox stopped him and said he looked good to eat
Little duck then ran as fast as he could
To the old river where the turtles are
Across their backs in his hasty retreat

Time: 6 minutes 20 seconds

Word Count: 120


Somehow, Somewhere

Somehow, Somewhere
Form: Raven’s Rovi Sonnet 105

In the silent night, I am free to dream
To see your face emerge in the dim light
Each time like the first time so it would seem

The first time? I begin to wonder now,
I fall in love each time I see your face
Have I seen you before, somewhere, somehow
In that far-off world; divinity’s place

Such love can only be of the divine
Gabrielle, you hold my heart in your sight
Your kiss on my lips I’ll always follow
To see your smile glow in the lunar beam
My sacred space is there in your embrace

And I wonder how two souls could align
Somehow, somewhere, in love you became mine


Remember Me

Remember Me
Form: Free Style Sonnet 1

As they kissed, he whispered ’Never forget’
And within that moment their love was set
His kiss, her touch, their love with no regret
Embraced in sleep, his arms her own couchette
As he too rested, without no fear or fret
Again, and again they sang love’s duet

‘How can anyone forget you?’ he said
Kissing her hands, her eyes, and then her head
As he departed to the front to fight
And through the years her heart held him in sight
Now that time has passed and she lies dying
She hears his voice now so softly sighing
Their children gather to bid her farewell
As he calls her back to his arms to dwell


One Day 1 (Weekly Prompts Weekend Challenge)

Inspired by and written for the Weekly Prompts Weekend Challenge, my thanks to Sue and Gerry

Cool idea. I like the idea of thinking of a ‘one day’ so think for me it will work as a title, I hope that is okay

Form: Cornish Sonnet

Destiny leads the way and plays the tune
She’s marking the rhythm of passing time
And I see you waiting in mystic rune
Or deep within nightly magical dreams
That fill my mind to write in verse and rhyme
Of my love waiting beneath the moonbeams

And there we tango in the lunar light
Reunited in the hours of my sleep
That keeps the flames of true love burning bright
Although I know I must now live a life
My heart and soul are still yours to keep
Until once more I can hold you, my wife

Destiny leads the way and plays the tune
And there we tango in the lunar light


Vow of Beltane

Vow of Beltane
Form: Constellation Sonnet

On Beltane’s Eve where fairies come to dance
Between willow trees and the river flow
The air shivers with the breeze of romance
For the spring is high and love is on show
Summoning gods so we can take a chance

Beneath the weeping boughs came love’s advance
As your voice so softly whispered its vow
I made mine as dusk fell into its trance
The magic of spring began to endow
Our joining of love and mystic romance

The cascade of leaves carved a holy space
As the night echoed with eternity
And my hands gently lifted up your face
We kissed beneath the sacred willow tree


Eloquent Dream

A Garret Poet

Eloquent Dream
Form: Cross Sonnet 2

Thy picture in mute, lifeless art
Reflects my soul in its despair
Yet love declares we’ll never part
I whisper thy name like a prayer

Not with laughter and not with tears
But with love’s air to where thou waits
That eloquent dream holds no fears
As time and distance dissipates

Thine hand my guide through all of time
These times alone I feel it most
In the language of love and rhyme
Just like waves rolling on the coast

I feel thy presence over me
Too real to be a memory


Deuces Sonnet Notes

A Garret Poet

Deuces Sonnet Notes

Created by: Mary Lou Healy
Structure: Three quatrains and a couplet
Meter: Decasyllabic or Pentameter
Rhyme Scheme: abba abba baab aa


And So It Began by JezzieG

In those days past so very long ago
When magic was shared on gossamer wing
With old stories told by the bards that sing
And fairies danced amid the moonlight’s glow

While sprinkling their magic dust where they go
To refrains plucked out on the bardic string
Soon to the song the fairies learned to bring
Their own voices to the musical flow

Around the world we could hear them all sing
Enchanting songs only magic can know
Mankind heard it too where the spring winds blow
To the choir early man’s voices did ring

Of when the world was young with all to show
In those days past so very long ago

Beautiful Stranger (Simply 6 Minutes)

Inspired by and written for Simply 6 Minutes, my thanks to Christine

Form: Italian Sonnet 3

He emerged in the glade lit by the moon
A wolf, wild and beautiful but fearsome
As through the woods echoes the spirit drum
Enchanting sounds like a magical rune
The primal force of nature coming soon
The ancient ways through the night air now hum
As with his blazing eyes, the wolf must come
For in this hunt, his voice calls out the tune

He opens his tail displaying his pride
So his beauty fills the quiet moonglade
Such beauty surely, he must come in peace
Alone he stands, at man’s hand his pack died
Revenge is now his calling and his trade
The lives of men are now at his caprice

Time: 8 minutes

Word Count: 114


Mortal Question

Mortal Question
Form: Ivorian Sonnet 116

Think on this, mortals of the human race
You’re born with a destiny to embrace

The world’s newest member, future unknown
And of the past, you have no memory
Your parents influence until you’re grown

They’ll manipulate what you know of things
Sometimes guiding you to grow in their way
And other times they’ll be pulling your strings
But once you’ve grown, you’ll live life your own way

And maybe you too will be parents one day
If that is what your destiny so brings
Creating a world for your kids to face
Will it be a world where a bird still sings
Or a dying place where nothing is free?


Cernunnos Rising

A Garret Poet

Cernunnos Rising
Form: French Canadian Sonnet

The sounds of morning echo from outside
As the sun awakens to the birdsong
And at last, the days are now getting long
For the days of spring can don’t need to hide

And though it may be warm or may be cold
As the winter battles to stay around
With stormy winds and rain upon the ground
The spring sunshine days are getting too bold

The sun, he rises calling his blue skies
His warmth spreading where the winter defies

But there’s no stopping it, the wheel must turn
Although the winter fights for all its worth
The new life is welcomed by Mother Earth
Cernunnos reborn, winter must adjourn


Dream Place

Dream Place
Form: Epistle Sonnet 43

When in our dreams we create our own place
Is it going to be really perfect
Or will more basic thoughts, too, interlace

So veneration ends with disrespect
Our dreams of a place that is fit for kings
It is our thinking that brings its disgrace
With feastings, orgies, and other delights
Where servants pass around cold, empty draughts

How can we find peace whilst ignoring plights
Is there much suffering in imagined crafts
While we take our pleasure, what of their rights
We should think of them while making our drafts

Of those passing round on fluttering wings
In a place we’ve made of uneven things


Honesty (Weekly Prompts Wednesday Challenge)

Inspired by and written for the Weekly Prompts Wednesday Challenge, my thanks to Gerry and Sue

And I pull a 1-syllable-per-liner out of the form hat -eeeeek!!!!

So honesty – I created this sonnet for a friend for a laugh as she was playing with one-bean lines. Laugh? It’s a nightmare to write so this is gonna suck!!!

Form: Christine’s Sonnet






Summer Moon

Summer Moon
Form: Raven’s Rovi Sonnet 104

Amid the droning sound of lawnmowers
As echoed by the humming of the bees
As they come to make call on the flowers

The spring showers replaced by the sunlight
My memories recall how you and I
Would seek shadows in the midst of the bright
Heat; The wistful moments of time gone by

Ofttimes overpowered by the mundane
Or squabble of the birds among the trees
And we wished that the minutes could be hours
I’d kiss you then to capture your sweet sigh
And whisper, darling, it will soon be night

Such are the memories that still remain
As I long for moonlight to shine again


Doggonet Notes

A Garret Poet

Doggonet Notes

Created by: Larry Eberhart
Structure: Three quatrains and a couplet
Meter: Hexasyllabic or trimeter
Rhyme Scheme: abab cdcd efef gg


Cup of Debris by JezzieG

I do not need the night
For words of love to be
Your words are not delight
As the sun sets, I see

I sigh, then laugh my tears
Away to their own fate
As mist falls the truth clears
Too little and too late

Always at night, you’d call
To stir the debris up
With words destroy it all
In your love’s poison cup

But tears wash away pain
You’ll not hurt me again

Pointless (Weekly Prompts Weekend Challenge)

Inspired by and written for the Weekly Prompts Weekend Challenge, my thanks to Sue and Gerry

Form: Choi’s Sonnet

You didn’t hear me in your worldly cares
You’re chasing time, but we still need to talk
And have no time to spare for things love shares
In grand schemes have you got time for a walk?

No answer, I feel like cheese to your chalk
And I look for the moment like a hawk
For the briefest second, I can get through
For that sweet passion, I once saw in you

But now I know there is nothing to do
You stole my heart in a heinous theft
With no intention of love staying true
And like a fool, I didn’t see how deft

You could leave me then with my heart bereft
These worthless feelings are all that is left


Clothesline (Weekly Prompts Wednesday Challenge)

Inspired by and written for the Weekly Prompts Wednesday Challenge, my thanks to Gerry and Sue

More tales from the washing line it is then, LOL

Form: Chivalric Sonnet

The chilly air fading in the sunshine
As the first spring breezes come out to play
And teasing the tightly closed jasmine buds
Whilst on their pegs clean sheets dance and sway

The legs of some jeans are kicking about
Like Can Can dancers on a Paris stage
To the sounds of sparrows playing kiss chase
This April morning, the spring comes of age

Frisky T-shirts outrageously flirting
Washing hung in gardens never gets old
The coldness of winter is on its way
Like a scolded child it’s soundly been told

Despite the showers of the April rain
Life is returning to the Earth again


Song to Gaia

Song to Gaia
Form: Constellation Sonnet

Beloved Gaia, thou shalt never die
Despite the wrongs our humankind has done
And if thou should turn away with a sigh
‘Tis our ways thy must surely come to shun
We did not heed thy voice let out its cry

In our hearts, we know all the reasons why
Beloved Gaia, now we feel the Sun
As climate change brings a much stranger sky
The seasons out of sync that we have spun
Surely it is thee who should ask for why

For all we took to meet our selfish greed
By leaving Nature’s ways back in the past
Thinking of our want and not of our need
I think we knew that simply couldn’t last


Street Parking (Simply 6 Minutes)

Inspired by and written for Simply 6 Minutes, my thanks to Christine

Form: Italian Sonnet 1

It’s a slow crawl driving through town
But the pound store has new pens in
A must-have for an artist’s bin
A quick dash before they’re all flown
For then an artist will just moan
It’s a mission he wants to win
But now tempers are running thin
No place to park thus brings a frown

So he drives the street end to end
Each time raging in turn around
He’s driving himself round the bend
There’s still no space there to be found
There is a place if he should wend
To make his way where pens are sound

Time: 6 minutes 50 seconds

Word Count: 100


Release My Tears

Release My Tears
Form: Epistle Sonnet 42

My body and mind are restrained by life
I must learn to love before it’s farewell
But my emotions are so wrapped in strife

How will I fall into that blissful spell
But to learn to love, I must learn to cry
To let my tears flow, to be free and rife
For too long my heart has been left to sleep
Unable to feel, unwanting to care

Then you showed love is waiting for me there
And that you alone set my spirit high
An uncertain ride if I can but dare
To let your love teach my spirit to fly

If I learn to love I am yours to keep
As I long for you to make my soul weep


Sparkle Desirin’

Sparkle Desirin’
Form: Raven’s Rovi Sonnet 103

I am still watching although I am gone
Observing but you are no longer mine
Still, my heart lingers but our love is done

I look at you and at your once smooth skin
For lines of laughter replacing the pain
For your eyes to sparkle their desirin’
The man in your bed, do you love again?

Don’t look for me in your late lover’s urn
I want you to feel the sweet love divine
Our time is gone, that cannot be undone
Let your heart allow new love to begin
Let it hold you and kiss you in the rain

Let grief’s shroud fall as you begin to yearn
For the sensual pleasure to soon return


Haunted (Weekly Prompts Weekend Challenge)

Inspired by and written for Weekly Prompts Weekend Challenge, with thanks to Sue and Gerry

Form: Chained English Sonnet (Cyclic)

Linger, darling, stay with me through the night
Tonight let me feel your love right beside
Beside me, so your love remains my light
Light in the dark, can you hear me confide

Confiding my heart is forever true
True, the memory that lives in my heart
My heart that’s always in love with you
From you, my darling, I’m never apart

Apart, no, not even death could do that
That veil beyond which my eyes cannot see
But see you each night when you come to chat
And chat away my tears so we can be

Be mine tonight, my sweetest light-bringer
Beinger of love, stay awhile and linger


The Gig (Hobbit Hole Witterings)

The Gig
Form: Blues Sonnet

My heroes of music from a young age
My heroes of music from a young age
And I had tickets to see them on stage

Their rhythm of sound beating in my heart
Their rhythm of sound beating in my heart
They have been my heroes from the start

With rifts and drums playing loud in my room
With rifts and drums playing loud in my room
Rock music on my radio went boom

For this day I had waited so, so long
For this day I had waited so, so long
All to hear them live and playing their song

For so very long I’d waited for this
Standing in line I am ready for bliss

©JezzieG2024, with thanks to Metallica

And So It Began

And So It Began
Form: Deuces Sonnet

In those days past so very long ago
When magic was shared on gossamer wing
With old stories told by the bards that sing
And fairies danced amid the moonlight’s glow

While sprinkling their magic dust where they go
To refrains plucked out on the bardic string
Soon to the song the fairies learned to bring
Their own voices to the musical flow

Around the world, we could hear them all sing
Enchanting songs only magic can know
Mankind heard it too when the spring winds blow
To the choir early man’s voices did ring

Of when the world was young with all to show
In those days past so very long ago


Channing’s Sonnet Notes

A Garret Poet

Channing’s Sonnet Notes
Created by: William Ellery Channing

Channing Sonnet 1

Structure: Octave and two tercets
Meter: Decasyllabic or pentameter
Rhyme Scheme: abbaabba cde cde


Cast-off Laughs by Jezzie G

At first, I thought I saw love in your eyes
The promise of truth without deception
A universe in its repetition
The truth of love beyond the mask of lies
But with every look the more my pain cries
Still, I believed in our love’s inception
Denied what I saw in recognition
The promise of love was a cruel disguise

The more pain I felt the more you would smile
Agonies writhing in your cast-off laughs
My protests you so easily shrugged off

Until my heart could not stay in denial
And Fate decreed us our separate paths
Now it is I that gives you the brush-off

Channing Sonnet 2

Structure: Octave and two tercets
Meter: Decasyllabic or pentameter
Rhyme Scheme: abbaacca dee dff


Bardic Slave by JezzieG

I cannot fail whilst I’m blessed from above
And my tasks and my missions have been set
Set within my heart to never forget
To care and protect thee with all my love
Through this, a living world of push and shove
A task that few could ever dare to do
But I know that this love is pure and true
The promise made is mine to keep thereof

A promise that made me thy willing slave
In consecrated vow of man and wife
I will love and protect thee for my life

And prove in many ways I am no knave
As I write these sonnets, I am thy bard
And in thy bidding, I am no sluggard

Fun in the Dun (Simply 6 Minutes)

Inspired by and written for Simply 6 Minutes, my thanks to Christine

Form: Indonesian Sonnet

Taking it easy and having some fun
Just good mates looking for a game to play
Each not wanting to seem they are outdone
As the stakes get higher throughout the day

The beer replaced by a shot with no gun
‘And one for the road’ did I hear you say
Who is going home before the night’s done
When there is yet another game to play

Take a seat is all that needs to be done
To see out the night it is the best way
Setting out deckchairs when the sky is dun
It looked so easy in the light of day

Taking it easy and having some fun
It looked so easy in the light of day

Time: 6 minutes 20 seconds

Word Count: 121


Blue and Green

Blue and Green
Form: Ivorian Sonnet 115

Now as our Earth is weeping with our blood
And climate change brings forth another flood

The power-crazy men telling their lies
Tied in politics of false promise made
For they know in the end innocence dies

From the Moon, the Earth shimmers blue and green
There’s no sign of our sin from there is space
Here on the ground, it’s a different scene
Corporations continue in disgrace

Deceiving us all lying in our face
But we are aware of all that has been
We’re fighting back for our home planet’s good
The might of the masses started as sighs
We’re gathering strength, refusing to fade


Moonlit Revelations

Moonlit Revelations
Form: Epistle Sonnet 41

Tonight the moon hides behind the night clouds
She has no desire to show face; she knows
What will happen if she lifts up those shrouds

And to our eyes all her secrets expose
That love has no mystery but secrets
Show the decisions we should not have made
Oft to fit in with the social crowds
Whilst ignoring all that we should hold true

When we thought we were wise and now we rue
The moon has revealed all of our regrets
That seemingly continues to accrue
In the moonlight, the heart never forgets

Tonight once more we would willingly trade
Light for darkness as into sleep thoughts fade


Time’s Up

Time’s Up
Form: Italian Sonnet 1

In the dark of night when you are alone
But I don’t fear the dark like you now do
The night is crying and I hear you too
As I listen to the night wind wail and moan
Your ghosts of life are in the darkness shown
Like wispy clouds, the smell of fear comes through
Your life of lies is now revealed to you
And for your crimes in darkness, you’ll atone

The innocents, the victims of your crime
From their graves now come to deny your lie
Evil can only last a finite time
As justice stands up with a divine sigh
And I raise my scythe in this ancient mime
It’s now too late and it’s your time to die


To Love

To Love
Form: Raven’s Rovi Sonnet 102

To love completely you must love yourself
Without false pretenses and modesty
For to know love is to know the highest wealth

To be comfortable in your own shoes
Without vanity or preening ego
That is selfishness a man cannot use
But to love you must allow love to grow

I’m sure I love me because I love you
And always put you ahead of myself
And you love me, from the soul that I know
And all other love from my heart eschews
I can face myself with sweet honesty

In your love this is all that I need do
For me to know your love I must be true


Cup of Debris

Cup of Debris
Form: Doggonet

I do not need the night
For words of love to be
Your words are not delight
As the sun sets, I see

I sigh, then laugh my tears
Away to their own fate
As mist falls the truth clears
Too little and too late

Always at night, you’d call
To stir the debris up
With words destroy it all
In your love’s poison cup

But tears wash away pain
You’ll not hurt me again


Raging Storm

Raging Storm
Form: Four Kings Sonnet

The moon understands the beauty of rain
As she drops behind the gathering cloud
The night ignores her behind her dark shroud
As he rages us with his storm again
Perhaps he wants to remove human stain
And so he voices his anger aloud
The moon in her silence knows man is proud
And this, a raging night, is all in vain

The storms passes and she can shine again
A brief respite between the thundercloud
And the rising of the sun, day unbowed
The storms destruction seen in every lane
And humans wail as if they are in pain
Just watch as storms gather in a grey crowd


Fine Line (Simply 6 Minutes)

Inspired by and written for Simply 6 Minutes – thank you, Christine

Form: Illini Sonnet

The fragility of one breath
Heavy with momentary hope
My feet dangle over the edge
The line between living and death
Existence becomes a steep slope
A narrow path upon a ledge
Keep climbing or drop in free fall
For time is like the climber’s rope
That’s held in place on a thin wedge
Fragility supporting all
On the finest twist of some twine
That shudders with inhale, exhale
The cliff stands as destiny’s hedge
The next breath could succeed or fail
And be the last word of the tale

Time: 6 minutes 40 seconds

Word count: 90
