Battle of Germany by Paul Nash

Battle of Germany by Paul Nash

Battle of Germany
Oil on canvas
Imperial War Museums, UK

The last painting completed by Nash while he was employed by the War Artist’s Advisory Commission, ‘Battle of Germany’ is a sequel to his ‘Battle of Britain’ painting (1941). Using reports from crews participating in German air raids, Nash painted a German city under attack.

Paul Nash 1889-1946

Paul Nash
Born: 11 May 1889, London, England
Nationality: British
Died: 11 July 1946, Bournemouth, England

Nash was a surrealist painter, war artist, photographer, writer, and designer of applied art. Among the most important landscape artists of the first half of the 20th century, Nash played an important role in the evolution of Modernism in English art

Battle of Britain by Paul Nash

Battle of Britain by Paul Nash

Battle of Britain
Oil on canvas
Imperial War Museums, UK

Nash painted ‘Battle of Britain’ during the battle itself capturing the parched countryside and the trails of airplanes in the sky, both those still flying and those falling and burning. The Luftwaffe is shown advancing in formation whilst RAF aircraft break up these forces in the centre of the painting.

Paul Nash 1889-1946

Paul Nash
Born: 11 May 1889, London, England
Nationality: British
Died: 11 July 1946, Bournemouth, England

Nash was a surrealist painter, war artist, photographer, writer, and designer of applied art. Among the most important landscape artists of the first half of the 20th century, Nash played an important role in the evolution of Modernism in English art

We are making a new world by Paul Nash

We are making a new world by Paul Nash

We are making a new world
Oil on canvas
Imperial War Museums, UK

Following Nash’s WW1 service he returned with many watercolors and pastel sketches depicting landscapes he had seen. ‘We are making a new world’ is one of Nash’s first oil paintings from his drawing ‘Sunrise, Inverness Copse’ (1918) It depicts the war-torn Western Front with the trees burned and the ground scarred and undulated by shell holes.

Paul Nash 1889-1946

Paul Nash
Born: 11 May 1889, London, England
Nationality: British
Died: 11 July 1946, Bournemouth, England

Nash was a surrealist painter, war artist, photographer, writer, and designer of applied art. Among the most important landscape artists of the first half of the 20th century, Nash played an important role in the evolution of Modernism in English art

Landscape from a Dream by Paul Nash

Landscape from a Dream by Paul Nash

Landscape from a Dream
Oil on canvas
Collection of the Tate, United Kingdom

‘Landscape from a Dream’ is considered as the culmination of Nash’s personal response to Surrealism. Completed after Nash visited the International Surrealist Exhibition of 1936 it is inspired by the Surrealists’ fascination with Freud as well as their theories surrounding the power of dreams.

Paul Nash 1889-1946

Paul Nash
Born: 11 May 1889, London, England
Nationality: British
Died: 11 July 1946, Bournemouth, England

Nash was a surrealist painter, war artist, photographer, writer, and designer of applied art. Among the most important landscape artists of the first half of the 20th century, Nash played an important role in the evolution of Modernism in English art

Eclipse of the Sunflower by Paul Nash

Eclipse of the Sunflower by Paul Nash

Eclipse of the Sunflower
Oil on canvas – British Council Collection

‘Eclipse of the Sunflower’ depicts two sunflowers, one lying dead and withered, and the other drifting high in the position of the sun. The sunflower in the sky is healthy yet about to be eclipsed as the flower head has become detached from the stem, suggesting the painting is a representation of looming death and the moment the soul leaves the body.

Paul Nash 1889-1946

Paul Nash
Born: 11 May 1889, London, England
Nationality: British
Died: 11 July 1946, Bournemouth, England

Nash was a surrealist painter, war artist, photographer, writer, and designer of applied art. Among the most important landscape artists of the first half of the 20th century, Nash played an important role in the evolution of Modernism in English art