Ball Toss

Ball Toss
Form: Divine Collin’s

We have a lot of rain in June
Wimbledon is starting soon
Tennis matches forecast rain
Or it’s too hot and such a pain
The hot sun drying fresh mowed greens
Still this week I am watching Queens

I still yearn for those days gone by
Martina and Borg on the fly
The game has changed it’s played too fast
Not so genteel as in the past
With so many pros in their teens
Still this week I am watching Queens


Path of the Devil

Path of the Devil
Form: Divine Collin’s

I thought the hard times were far behind me
As for so long, I had been dancing free
With no plans looking ahead to what is
Forsaking love, all that romantic fizz
But love, she is sly and wormed her way in
Then left me dry like an empty Coke tin

I’ve watched so many wounds heal into scars
Cleansed by the optics of downtown bars
As whiskey wipes out my abandoned dreams
And I swear off all those romantic schemes
For they just lead to the cruel ways of sin
Then leave me dry like an empty Coke tin
