Ambivalent (Ragtag Daily Prompt)

Inspired by and written for the Ragtag Daily Prompt, my thanks to Martha Kennedy

Form: The Blitz

It’s complicated
It’s hard to explain
Explaining over and over
Explanations without clarity
Clarity without vision
Clarity hidden in the mist
Mist dividing truth from reality
Misty clouds drifting through my mind
Mind over matter
Mind doesn’t matter
Matters of fact
Matters of irrelevant thinking
Thinking it through before
Thinking it will be okay
Okay whatever
Okay why did you ask
Asking questions
Ask for questions without
Without answers you want
Without resolution
Resolution on the one-way street
Resolutions that disagree
Disagreements of fundamental values
Disagreement on what is truth
Truth is honesty
Truth is a personal experience
Experience of reality in action
Experience tutoring awareness
Awareness of what works for one person
Awareness others don’t understand
Understanding denies my belief
Understanding just another empty promise
Promise it won’t happen again
Promise that it will be the same
Same shit on a different day
Same shit breaking my heart
Heart shattered on the rocks of love
Heart lost in mental confusion
Confusion a new status quo
Confusion focused on indecisive dreams
Dreams of unyielding certainty
Dreams conflicting against emotions
Emotions lost to physical demand
Emotions scattered too far away
Away from the safe place
Away from all of this
This I don’t care do whatever
This your desire for the story told by O


Monolith (Ragtag Daily Prompt)

Inspired by and written for the Ragtag Daily Prompt, my thanks to BushBoy

Form: The Blitz

Stone on stone balanced
Stone revealing ancient history
History standing tall in the future
History speaking of the ancestors
Ancestors sharing etches of wisdom
Ancestor’s memories scribed on walls
Walls shrouding kings
Walls revealing the path to eternity
Eternity beyond mortality
Eternity in the realm of gods
Gods offer magic and mystery
Gods demanding sacrifice
Sacrifice of time and of self
Sacrificial offerings at stone altars made
Made in worshipful humility
Made with the heart and soul
Souls in union with the divine
Souls open to the cycle of existence life
Life extending beyond death
Life reborn in nature’s cycle
Cycles turning never-ending
Cycle of seasons turn to years
Years go by centuries
Years challenging time
Time attempts to change
Time keeps passing the same
Same then as is now
Same the cycles of familiarity
Familiar but not of the gods
Familiar beliefs crumble in dust
Dust mingling with dry sand
Dusty clouds as tombs open
Open the past to questioning eyes
Open the mind to ways long-forgotten
Forgotten as a rusty old spoon
Forgotten ways once of tradition
Traditional old-world values
Traditional paths welcome feet again
Again we wonder how
Again we cannot see the evidence
Evidence in front of our eyes
Evidence that answers no questions
Questions how they did it
Questions why stones are standing here
Here in the desert dunes
Here in the verdant fields
Fields with a solid circle
Fields surrounded by walls of stone


Syrup (Ragtag Daily Prompt)

Inspired by and written for the Ragtag Daily Prompt, my thanks to Curious Cat

Form: The Blitz

Don’t hide behind spicy nice
Don’t sugar coat the truth
Truth isn’t always diplomatic
Truth is saying it as it stands
Standing still looking inwards
Stand there waiting for love
Love is not mine to give you
Love is misleading your eyes
Eyes with rose-tinted lenses
Eyes seeing only sugar sweet
Sweet and viscous liquid flowing
Sweet trails over everything
Everything will work out fine if
Everything goes only your way
Way out there isn’t one but there is
Way out and I’m taking it now
Now you want love served on a golden plate
Now isn’t the dream of yesterday
Yesterday I said this before
Yesterday and for days before I said that
That I know what you want me to say
That you want I love you to slip
Slip from my lips as if I meant it
Slipping into your world of make-believe
Believe that I will never say them
Believe now that is sweet honesty
Honesty is given freely
Honesty that I give as a friend
Friendship is all there is
Friends but it isn’t enough
Enough to make your dreams come true
Enough of this look elsewhere
Elsewhere the world is sugar-coated
Elsewhere all those dreams wait
Waiting for you to come along
Waiting for love to take its chance
Chances are it is out there but no
Chance that feeling of passion is here
Here where my soul is already dancing
Here where my heart is taken by her
Her who has made love no contest
Her sugar sweet that coats my dreams
Dreams of love I don’t blame you
Dreams herald the heart to want
Want you won’t always get
Want in the power of desire
Desire is that which I can’t speak of
Desire this conversation to end


Ballroom (Ragtag Daily Prompt)

Inspired by and written for the Ragtag Daily Prompt, my thanks to Martha Kennedy

Form: The Blitz

Shadows tango on the walls of the underground
Shadows keeping the beat for two
Two souls dancing tango-time
Two finding their rhythm in the stars
Stars leading her feet around blackholes
Stars applauding as she spins
Spins in my arms
Spins whilst Mars holds my left foot
Footsteps choreographed by the heart
Footwork dancing in the flames
Flames remembering their parts
Flames tango just the same
Same dance every Saturday night
Same two dancing before taking tea
Tea for two our tradition
Tea recalling the sadness of truth
Truth is I wish you were here
Truth is I can’t dance without you
You who made my world complete
You gave rhythm to my soul
Souls longing to unite as one
Souls that tango the universe
Universe of love that gave us the music
Universe of stars our own dance floor
Floor the base to begin
Floor left behind as we searched the sky
Sky glistens stars as clouds parted
Skies full of silence now the music has gone
Gone without music there is no dance
Gone the tango cannot dance alone
Alone while our souls dance as shadows
Alone they are dancing in the dark
Dark silhouettes tango on the walls
Darkness surrounding my heart without sound
Sounds of the rhythm I cannot forget
Sounds of memories I’ll always hold near
Near to my heart I feel you there
Nearby as you patiently wait
Waiting for the time to pass
Waiting to tango the night again
Again I remember dancing all night
Again I hunger for our music
Music of sweet desire
Music that speaks the tango talk
Talking of the future do you remember
Talking softly as we danced
Danced in my dreams of the universe
Danced our music the tango of love


Survivor (Ragtag Daily Prompt)

Inspired by and written for the Ragtag Daily Prompt, my thanks to Dr Kottaway

Form: The Blitz

Touching the extremes of emotion
Touching heaven and hell
Hell bipolar is more than that
Hell it’s not just swinging the spectrum
Spectrum of emotion in fire and ice
Spectrums and everything in between
In between a balance of blessed and cursed
In between the endless repeating
Repeating like a washing machine
Repeating wash, rinse, spin – the cycle
Cycles of uncontrollable conversations
Cycles of laughter bouncing inside my head
Heading downward in earthshattering cries
Head down in a waterfall of tears
Tears I never wanted to cry
Tears held in fears that can never cry
Crying tears of joy until sadness
Cries from deep in my soul
My soul longing for love
My soul desires to be alone
Alone unable to feel love
Alone struggling to heal invisible wounds
Wounds in varying stages of repair
Wounds with ugly stories to tell
Telling me there is no way out of this
Telling me it’s better to be out of it
It speaks in soft whispers
It wants eternal silence
Silence from the internal battles
Silence from the war but I want to win
Winning is to be alive
Winning defeats suicide
Suicide bubbles beneath the surface
Suicide just to be another statistic
Statistics offer no answers
Statistics say I can’t battle the odds
Odds stand against me
Odds never speak of the even
Even if I must fight alone
Even though the going is hard
Hard to discover what is my strength
Hard to not think they are better without
Without me holding them back
Without me spoiling their day
Days that become darker than night
Day after day despite all of that I am here
Here refusing to surrender
Here saying no


Grain (Ragtag Daily Prompt)

Inspired by and written for the Ragtag Daily Prompt, my thanks to Sgeoil

Form: The Blitz

Silent wheels lost in time
Silent sails face the wind
Wind blows but nothing turns
Winds of change they call progress
Progress born from a seed of thought
Progress to keep up with the times
Times forgotten by industries charge
Times of struggle and changing tech
Tech these wooden sails once the biz
Tech can only be of its place
Placed on the hill the windmill turned
Placed to capture nature’s gust
Gusting winds fill bags with flour
Gusting winds we found the shelter
Shelter from the storm
Shelter inside the old windmill
Windmill cogs are rusted and worn
Windmills gave safety to love
Love’s seed is born inside its walls
Love declared amid the raging storm
Stormy memories take me to the windmill
Stormy nights when I feel the moving air
Air like a breath across my cheek
Air carrying the music of desire
Desiring the love that goes on and on
Desire like the windmill turns round and round
Round by the windmill memories take me there
Rounding up thoughts of me and you
You and I fastened as one
Your voice calling on the breeze
Breezy filaments sown in fun
Breeze rolls out love in free fall
Falling easy like flour into the sack
Falling softly where love grows
Grown to meet the needs of the heart
Growing fields glowing under the sun
Sunshine that moody love song
Sun and summer go on and on
On to the harvest to supply the wind
Onward we go to feed the soul
Souls in union
Soul food and bread
Bread baked from a windmill’s flour
Bread fresh from nature’s store
Storing moments of love like gathered seed
Stored memories that never let go
Going with the flow of the wind
Going around where the sails spin


Portmanteau (Ragtag Daily Prompt)

Inspired by and written for the Ragtag Daily Prompt, my thanks to Punam

Form: The Blitz

Packing up time
Packing the bags
Bags, are there too many?
Bags, will they get lost?
Lost on the way
Lost in flight
Flight to the fantasy
Fight of escape
Escape from everyday
Escape the mundane for a place exotic
Exotic beaches and blue seas
Exotic places far from it all
All new things to explore
All there in a new world
World seen in a glossy magazine
World is the oyster in a shell
Shells collected as souvenirs
Shellfish suppers with moonlit wine
Wine instead of afternoon tea
Wine tastes sweeter when duty-free
Free from the mundane 9 to 5
Freedom on the annual break
Breaking away from city life
Breaking out the suncream
Suncream at home on the bathroom shelf
Suncream if only we’d packed it
It’s one of those things
It can be bought in the resort
Resorts that promise liberty
Resorts crowded by tourists
Tourists seeking to escape
Tourists waiting in line for a bus
Bus to places of interest
Bus following a well-beaten track
Track on our holiday yet we keep it
Tracks to an open trail
Trails left by planes in the sky
Trails and backpacks wave them by
By the river the tents are up
By morning walking the unbeaten path
Paths of mystery away from it all
Paths seeking adventure
Adventure building memories
Adventures stored in snapshots
Snapshots to show reality
Snapshots to inspire the next time
Time to look back
Time to pack the bags and go


Heart of Belief

Heart of Belief
Form: Blitz Poem
Theme: Failure
Subject: Choices

Shot in the dark
shot in the heart
heart too broken to love
heart in need of restoration
restoration fixing the broken
restoration rebuilding from the best
best of what’s left
best that’s never been worn
worn to tatters
worn out
out with no coat
out of place
place the pieces in order
place in a safe space
space to analyse
space to think
think of all that has past
think of nothing
nothing seems to matter
nothing is all there is to see
see beyond darkness
see better foundations
foundations rebuilding emotions
foundations in solid motion
motion constantly moving
motion pushing forward
forward learning from failed dreams
forward don’t look back
back away from emotional destruction
back shielded from daggers of pain
pain a warning sign ignored
pain the salvation
salvation accepting it’s not worth saving
salvation found in a new day
day empty of love
day fulfilled by ambition
ambition ignited by rekindled senses
ambition rebuilding the dreams
dreams once lost and forgotten
dreams return burning bright
bright the days ahead
bright hope the light in the dark
dark where clarity begins
dark the silent comfort
comfort easing the pain
comfort restoring belief
belief in impossible possibilities
belief life will get better


Blitz Poem Notes

Created by Robert Keim the Blitz poem is a 50 line poem of short phrases and images with the following rules:
Line 1 should be one short phrase or image
Line 2 should be another short phrase or image using the same first word as the first word in Line 1
Lines 3 and 4 should be short phrases or images using the last word of Line 2 as their first words
Lines 5 and 6 should be short phrases or images using the last word of Line 4 as their first words, and so on until you have 48 lines
Line 49 should be the last word of Line 48
Line 50 should be the last word of Line 47
The title of the poem should be three words long and follow this format: (first word of Line 3) (preposition or conjunction) (first word of line 47)
There should be no punctuation


Box of Lies by Jez Farmer

Out of reach
Outside the box
Box for packing up stuff
Box for fitting a tick
Tick tock go the clocks
Ticking time increasing distance
Distance expanding in the mind
Distance a stretch too far
Far out in oblivion
Far away from a smile
Smile for a reason
Smiling brightens the day
Daylight beckons a new horizon
Day and night
Nightmare illusions disturb
Night memories building walls
Walls surrounding the soul
Walls I cannot climb
Climbing ever higher
Climbing only to fall down
Down into the well of darkness
Down beyond the touch of love
Love the power of salvation
Love a grandiose futile illusion
Illusions of hope coming closer
Illusions then fade and disappear
Disappear in forgotten memories
Disappear from her vagaries of thought
Thoughts filling with shards of doubt
Thoughts piecing the broken heart
Heart stolen by desire
Heart once given freely left to die
Dying dreams fade into twilight
Dying senses no longer feel desire
Desire for things I cannot have
Desire for everything
Everything that I can see
Everything I cannot touch
Touch to ease the irrational mind
Touch inciting the deepest fear
Fear of loving too much
Fear of it not being enough
Enough to sate her want
Enough to meet one moment
Momentary lapse and its gone
Moments lost in the blink of a lie
Lies where wisdom cries
Lies to blind the world

Box of Lies

Box of Lies
Form: Blitz Poem

Out of reach
Outside the box
Box for packing up stuff
Box for fitting a tick
Tick tock go the clocks
Ticking time increasing distance
Distance expanding in the mind
Distance a stretch too far
Far out in oblivion
Far away from a smile
Smile for a reason
Smiling brightens the day
Daylight beckons a new horizon
Day and night
Nightmare illusions disturb
Night memories building walls
Walls surrounding the soul
Walls I cannot climb
Climbing ever higher
Climbing only to fall down
Down into the well of darkness
Down beyond the touch of love
Love the power of salvation
Love a grandiose futile illusion
Illusions of hope coming closer
Illusions then fade and disappear
Disappear in forgotten memories
Disappear from her vagaries of thought
Thoughts filling with shards of doubt
Thoughts piecing the broken heart
Heart stolen by desire
Heart once given freely left to die
Dying dreams fade into twilight
Dying senses no longer feel desire
Desire for things I cannot have
Desire for everything
Everything that I can see
Everything I cannot touch
Touch to ease the irrational mind
Touch inciting the deepest fear
Fear of loving too much
Fear of it not being enough
Enough to sate her want
Enough to meet one moment
Momentary lapse and its gone
Moments lost in the blink of a lie
Lies where wisdom cries
Lies to blind the world
