Being With (Etre Avec) by Roberto Matta

Being With (Etre Avec) by Roberto Matta

Being With (Etre Avec)
Oil on canvas
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA

‘Being With (Etre Avec)’ is one of Matta’s ‘Social Morphology’ works and represents a direct response to the horrors of WW2. Matta’s expression in the menacing mechanical contraptions and the contorted, violated humanoid figures reflects his deep dismay.

Roberto Matta 1911-2002

Roberto Matta
Surrealism, Abstract Expressionism, Modern Art
Born: 11 November 1911, Santiago, Chile
Nationality: Chilean
Died: 23 November 2002, Civitavecchia, Italy

Matta was one of Chile’s best-known artists. He is a seminal figure of the abstract expressionist and surrealist art of the 20th -century

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