Being With (Etre Avec) by Roberto Matta

Being With (Etre Avec) by Roberto Matta

Being With (Etre Avec)
Oil on canvas
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA

‘Being With (Etre Avec)’ is one of Matta’s ‘Social Morphology’ works and represents a direct response to the horrors of WW2. Matta’s expression in the menacing mechanical contraptions and the contorted, violated humanoid figures reflects his deep dismay.

Roberto Matta 1911-2002

Roberto Matta
Surrealism, Abstract Expressionism, Modern Art
Born: 11 November 1911, Santiago, Chile
Nationality: Chilean
Died: 23 November 2002, Civitavecchia, Italy

Matta was one of Chile’s best-known artists. He is a seminal figure of the abstract expressionist and surrealist art of the 20th -century

A Certain Lady by Dorothy Parker

Dorothy Parker 1893-1967

A Certain Lady

Oh, I can smile for you, and tilt my head,
And drink your rushing words with eager lips,
And paint my mouth for you a fragrant red,
And trace your brows with tutored finger-tips.
When you rehearse your list of loves to me,
Oh, I can laugh and marvel, rapturous-eyed.
And you laugh back, nor can you ever see
The thousand little deaths my heart has died.
And you believe, so well I know my part,
That I am gay as morning, light as snow,
And all the straining things within my heart
You’ll never know.

Oh, I can laugh and listen, when we meet,
And you bring tales of fresh adventurings, —
Of ladies delicately indiscreet,
Of lingering hands, and gently whispered things.
And you are pleased with me, and strive anew
To sing me sagas of your late delights.
Thus do you want me — marveling, gay, and true,
Nor do you see my staring eyes of nights.
And when, in search of novelty, you stray,
Oh, I can kiss you blithely as you go ….
And what goes on, my love, while you’re away,
You’ll never know

Dorothy Parker
Born: 22 August 1893, New Jersey, USA
Nationality: American
Died: 7 June 1967, New York USA

Parker was a poet, critic, writer, and satirist based in New York. She was best known for her wit, wisecracks, and an eye for 20th-century urban fables. From an unhappy childhood, Parker rose to fame, both for her literary works and as a founding member of the Algonquin Round Table. Following the breakup of the group, she travelled to Hollywood to pursue a screenwriting career with successes including two Academy Award nominations. However, her screenwriting career was curtailed by her left-wing politics resulting in her placement on the Hollywood blacklist

Ball Toss

Ball Toss
Form: Divine Collin’s

We have a lot of rain in June
Wimbledon is starting soon
Tennis matches forecast rain
Or it’s too hot and such a pain
The hot sun drying fresh mowed greens
Still this week I am watching Queens

I still yearn for those days gone by
Martina and Borg on the fly
The game has changed it’s played too fast
Not so genteel as in the past
With so many pros in their teens
Still this week I am watching Queens


Helden Von Heute by Falco

Falco 1957-1998

Helden Von Heute
Album: Einzelhaft
Date: 1982
Genre: Goth/Industrial
Artist: Falco

Falco (1957-1998) was a singer and musician with several international hits including “Vienna Calling,” “Rock Me, Amadeus,” and posthumously “Out of the Dark.” “Rock Me Amadeus” reached No.1 on the Billboard charts in 1986 making Falco the only German language artist to score a number-one hit in the US

Below (Weekly Prompts Weekend Challenge)

Inspired by and written for the Weekly Prompts Weekend Challenge, my thanks to Sue and Gerry

Form: Diminishing Verse with poetic license

Scrabbling round beneath the ground
Searching for what nature’s left lying round

Filling wagons with the earth’s core
In the hunt for a bit more ore

To find the rich man’s pleasure
And with these riches, he takes his leisure
Still plundering the earth to erasure

In this way only the rich benefit
And they think they are worth it

But tread carefully upon the ground
For jewels that are there lying round

A line in a stone’s core
Marks the presence of ore

There lies the poor man’s treasure
Not enough for his family to reassure

Taking nature’s gifts as we see fit
Is it really worth it?
