Perspective (Weekly Prompts Wednesday Challenge)

Inspired by and written for the Weekly Prompts Wednesday Challenge, my thanks to Gerry and Sue

Form: Deibide Baise Fri Toin

One viewpoint
Leaves opinions in disjoint
And it will end with a tear

To exist
How can we let this persist
Without a neutral save face

To agree
We all must act more humbly
Or should we let all our peace


6 thoughts on “Perspective (Weekly Prompts Wednesday Challenge)

  1. These words hold so much truth. Expressing one’s opinion now involves a lot of pre thinking. An innocent remark can offend very sensitive people and bruised egos and damaged relationships are the result. It seems that freedom to express your view on a topic must be pre screened, pre planned and pre edited. That is a lot of work in my most humble opinion. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Gerry

      Seriously, you can’t say anything without offending a snowflake. I am very much in the okay, let them melt mind-set these days , with the mantra

      If I haven’t offended you yet, please know I am working on it.

      I know, I’m going to hell and all that – meh!

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  2. “It is far better to be sentenced to hell once and for all than to experiece its torment on a daily basis when hearing something that offends a person’s extremely sensitive sensibilities”.

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    1. I spent 40+ years hiding my self behind the farcical facade of other people’s sensitivity – only person hurt was me as it didn’t matter if they hurt me.

      Now of course I’m a turtle with a hard shell and they are not. I still get it every day, every hour, I refuse to let it offend me I have better things to do like write your fabbo prompts

      I accept the ticket to hell anyway, as the other place sounds so not my thing

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