The Backpacker by Francesco Clemente

The Backpacker by Francesco Clemente

The Backpacker
Pigment on Linen

‘The Backpacker’ presents eighteen identical male figures in reds, blues, and greys attired in business suits with a backpack. They are walking along a beige platform and then down the side of it. A rusty, grimy wall is behind them. The forward motion of the montage allows the figures to demonstrate a sense of purpose within their bleak surroundings.

Francesco Clemente 1952-

Francesco Clemente
Born: 23 March 1952, Naples, Italy
Nationality: Italian

Clemente is a contemporary artist. He has lived in Italy, India, and New York City. He was among the principal figures of the Italian Transacanguardia movement of the 1980s which rejected formalist and conceptual art in favour of a return to Symbolism and figurative art

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