Pink Wave by Edward Clark

Pink Wave by Edward Clark

Pink Wave
Acrylic on canvas
G.R. N’Namdi Gallery, Chicago, USA

‘Pink Wave,’ a later work by Clark, reveals the artist’s interest in action and gesture combined with the hand of the artist.

Edward Clark 1926-2019

Edward Clark
Abstract Expressionism, Colour Field Painting
Born: 6 May 1926, Louisiana, USA
Nationality: American
Died: 18 October 2019, Michigan, USA

Clark was a painter best known for his abstract expressionism work in broad, powerful brushstrokes, vibrant colours, and large canvases. He wasn’t widely recognised until late in his seven-decade career during which he was a pioneer in the use of shaped canvases and of the everyday push broom to create striking artwork

Nature’s Weather App

Nature’s Weather App
Form: Sicilian Septet

Rising beyond the eastern horizon line
As the red sky shimmers into a new dawn
Like dewy rose petals, the world begins to shine
As the night changes into an early morn
The sky in its redness can only define
That the clouds will gather to adorn
The coming of rain in a shepherd’s sign


Portrait by Louise Gluck

Louise Glück 1943-

c. 1977

A child draws the outline of a body.
She draws what she can, but it is white all through,
she cannot fill in what she knows is there.
Within the unsupported line, she knows
that life is missing; she has cut
one background from another. Like a child,
she turns to her mother.

And you draw the heart
against the emptiness she has created

Louise Gluck
Born: 22 April 1943, New York, USA
Nationality: American

Glück is a poet, essayist, and winner of the 2020 Nobel Prize for Literature. While in high school she suffered from anorexia nervosa and later overcame the illness. Often described as autobiographical poet Glück’s work is best known for its emotional intensity and for drawing on mythology or nature to reflect modern life

La Vie en rose by Madeleine Peyroux

Madeleine Peyroux

La Vie en rose
Album: Dreamland
Date: 1996
Genre: Adult Contemporary
Artist: Madeleine Peyroux

Madeleine Peyroux is a jazz singer and songwriter beginning her career as a teenager on the streets of Paris. She found mainstream success in 2004 with her album ‘Careless Love’