Rouen Ware by Dora Carrington

Rouen Ware by Dora Carrington

Rouen Ware
Still Life
Oil, Ink, and Silver Foil on Glass

‘Rouen Ware’ is a colourful depiction of flowers, fruit, and a plumed bird on a brass urn. Essentially a collage on glass Carrington created by outlining the design on the back of the pane and then filling the outline with foil paper and transparent and opaque paints.

Dora Carrington 1893-1932

Dora Carrington
The Bloomsbury Group Artists, Proto-Feminist Artists
Born: 29 March 1893, Hereford, England
Nationality: British
Died: 11 March 1932, Newbury, England

Carrington was a painter and decorative artist, associated with members of the Bloomsbury Group, especially the writer Lytton Strachey. She was known simply by her surname as she considered “Dora” to be vulgar and sentimental