Lost Nuts

Inspired by and written for #Writephoto – thank you, KL

Lost Nuts
Form: Cinquain

Climb up
Jump down and run
Across the lawn and back
Searching, searching, always searching
For nuts
Autumn’s treasure
We buried and forgot
Put safely for winter foraging
Now lost
Scitty scatty
On a table, nuts found
Squirrel says “didn’t leave them there”
He knows
But hey, he’ll eat
While you watch him for fun
From the warm behind your window
He’s gone
As quick as that
Squirrels don’t care to hang about
With the cat sitting on next-door’s wall
Be quick


12 thoughts on “Lost Nuts

        1. This time of year yes, but come the spring jackdaws are far from quiet. The mating pair have been here 4 years and their courting antic are hilarious if a bit noisy. He raids my bottle tops for presents.

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